Reducing Hospital Readmissions Among High Risk COPD Patient

 Please follow the rubric. my part is the Evidence-Based Intervention. the attached file that says 3120954920 is my part I had someone write for me. and the file that says COPD readmission was writing by everyone else in my group. please edit my part and add it to the file that says COPD readmission to make everything make sense. when you add my part, make sure it fills up page 4-5, please. please check the sources and make sure that it’s from 2014-2019 look at dates remember when using peer-reviewed articles.

Patient perioperative journey


The case study should capture the patient’s journey but be central to a patient undergoing a surgical procedure. The student will be expected to draw on the content of the module and from clinical experience to describe and explain the patient’s journey from pre-assessment through to undergoing a surgical procedure and to handover in post op / discharge. Where appropriate the essay must be correctly referenced using the University Harvard referencing system.

Explain and describes diabetes mellitus from a cultural and/or ethical perspective of inquiry

Compose a brief and focused paper which explains and describes diabetes mellitus from a cultural and/or ethical perspective of inquiry. Your paper must be 1,500 words in length and reference 4-6 scholarly, peer-reviewed resources. References must be not more than 3 years old.

Be sure to follow APA formatting standards. Address your general topic by forming and answering two levels of research questions, developed to provide specific and detailed inquiry, discovery and understanding: o Choose a “Level 1 Research Question/ Writing Prompt” from either or both of the lists below to answer in the paper. o Compose a “Level 2 Research Question/ Writing Prompt” that provides detail, specificity, and focus to your inquiry, research and writing**. • State your research questions in the introduction of your paper.

• Form the body of your paper by answering each research question, using references to the resources found in your research. • Review the process and the resulting understandings in the conclusion of the paper (briefly review the issues, research questions, answers, and insights.) Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts ETHICAL

Perspective of Inquiry • What laws govern or pertain to the issue? • What ethical obstacles affect how the issue is addressed by the medical community? • How do ethical theories apply to the issue? • How are money, power, and control matters related to the issue and its treatment? Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts CULTURAL Perspective of Inquiry • Which cultural values and/or norms influence the issue? • How is the issue addressed differently in varying cultural contexts and situations? • Which cultures or societies are most affected by the issue? Why? • Which cultural traditions affect the treatment(s)?



This paper is being completed with another student, no introduction is needed since the other student will be starting the research paper. I am looking to have these 3 topics addressed in at least 3.5 pages. At least 1 source used. 1.Pharmacotherapeutic management: proper pharmacotherapeutic management of the disease process (interactions, adverse reactions, any applicable dietary or lifestyle changes) 2.Deviation from guideline: possible reasons for deviation from the clinical practice guideline 3.Recommendations for patient follow-up.

Developing appropriate strategies and an action plan for a healthcare organization

The Signature Assignment is designed as a final project capping off your learning and comprehension of the course. Using the concepts and framework of strategic planning and management, you will perform an environmental analysis, assess strategic priorities, and develop appropriate strategies and an action plan for a healthcare organization. Strategy is about making choices and evaluating trade-offs. Healthcare organizations operate in a very diverse environment, serving culturally diverse customers/patients and employing just as culturally diverse a workforce. What is “right” for one organization may not be right for another. Making the right choices and trade-offs is a challenge that healthcare administrators routinely have to undertake. Case – Build It and They Will Come? Mid-Atlantic Nursing Center (MANC) is an assisted living facility and nursing home in the Mid-Atlantic area. It also provides home healthcare to clients who prefer a home environment. The company bought two facilities a couple of years ago and spent the last two years focusing on its operations and the integration of the two new facilities. With the new addition, it now has two facilities in northern Virginia and one facility in suburban Maryland, which comprise part of the Virginia – Washington D.C. – Maryland Metro area. The company does not just focus on technical knowledge and skills when it hires people; MANC makes it a priority to hire people who are a good fit with its culture and structure. As a result, it has a stable workforce with a low turnover rate. With its steady operations and financial performance, it is now ready to enter another expansion phase.

Mary Ann Lewis, the CEO of the company, had a meeting earlier today with a benefactor, Mr. James Nguyen, who is interested in making an endowment in his mother’s memory. Mrs. Nguyen was a patient with Alzheimer’s who was receiving home healthcare from Mid-Atlantic Nursing Center before she passed away a few months ago. Mr. Nguyen is considering making an endowment to a healthcare facility and MANC is at the top of his short list. In exchange for an endowment to MANC, he would like MANC to open a facility to care for Vietnamese elderly people who have unique needs. Mary Ann Lewis has come in contact with some Vietnamese and knows that they are a very tight-knit community. Adult children often take care of their aging parents at home. Nursing homes carry a stigma and many Vietnamese consider them a place for people who are “abandoned” by family. Older Vietnamese often have limited English and the language barrier keeps them close to home. Working-age Vietnamese Americans who have full-time jobs and a family of their own find it challenging to care for their aging parents at home. Many cannot afford to hire a home health aide to care for their parents around the clock at home. While their parents reject the idea of being cared for in a facility by people whom they do not understand, young Vietnamese Americans are more open to the idea of having their parents cared for in a nursing home by professionals. Mr. Nguyen expressed a strong desire to help bridge the gap in caring for Vietnamese elderly people by providing them an environment close to a community that they are familiar with, with caregivers speaking their language. He is grateful for the care his mother received at home but knows that many Vietnamese elderly people cannot afford having the personal home healthcare service that his mother had. Being a businessman, he wants to make sure that the model is sustainable and that it is the right decision to make an endowment to MANC instead of the hospital where his mother received care throughout the years.

Billing Manager

You are the Billing Manager. You electronically submit claims to Medicare for payment. Medicare has changed the billing form by adding 3 new fields. In addition, they have changed the field length for 3 of the required fields on the form. Your billing software vendor promises to get you the changes in your software by the deadline – but no sooner and with no time for testing. In addition, you have not received confirmation but it is “rumored” that you will also have to upgrade to the next version of Internet Explorer. Other applications you must use are not compatible with the latest version. Required Elements for writing are as follows: Discuss the challenges these two problems present.

Design a small HIV/AIDS-related awareness project

Design a small HIV/AIDS-related awareness project that is geared toward a specific audience in your local community. Identify where this proposed project would be implemented. Examples include your place of employment, gym, place of worship, local library, community organization, etc. Projects can range from talks to high school students or senior citizens, designing posters or pamphlets, organizing fundraisers for local HIV/AIDS organizations etc. Describe the following in your plan (be as detailed as possible): a) Name of project (come up with a catchy title) b) Identify target audience (and explain why you chose this group) c) Choose setting for your project d) Duration of project e) Goals f) Describe how your project will be implemented g) How much will your project cost? What resources would you need? How will you obtain the funds and resources? h) How will you assess the effectiveness of your project

The impacts of climate change on human health on the Middle East

Goal and research question Goal: To determine the relationship between climate change and health in the Middle East (effected people health) through the Primary, secondary and tertiary effects of the climate change on human health. 1) the impact on their environment (diseases, lack of water & rainfall).

2) heatwaves (heat stroke). (people living in poverty) 3) psychological health. Find  data in some of the countries of the middle east have effected through the climate change on their health by the primary, secondary and tertiary effects.

The big problem to do this research is to find the data or evidence support that the Middle East has affected by climate change. But for my list of reference has evidence to support this research also follow the guide below to write my research proposal. 1) Abstract 2) goal and research question 3) background of research 4) literature review 5) research objectives 6) methodology 7) resources required 8) limitations and delimitations 9) possible issues and risks 6) methodology This study will be based on a systematic review in order to provide a summary of the current evidence on climate change in the Middle East. Follow this methodology and any evidence you find, do list it in the reference list. And tell me how much evidence you find in the proposal.

Susan Glaspell’s 1916 play “Trifles”

Read Susan Glaspell’s 1916 play “Trifles” Then argue that Mrs. Peters is either a dynamic or static character and why it is important to the play. As a minimum requirement, at least two scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources related to the chosen topic and obtained through websites like EBSCOhost, ProQuest, Literature Resource Center should be used and cited. ***Writing about literature (in this case Drama) is really a type of argumentative writing. The writer makes a claim, gives reasons (wide range of possibilities), and provides evidence. Essentially, the evidence for a literary interpretation comes from the work itself (textual evidence or examples from a movie adaptation) and from literary criticism (authority figures).

State the basis for the Supreme Court’s decision that the Second Amendment is binding on the states.

1. Read and remember the First Amendment. 2. Identify the difference between fighting words and merely rude language. 3. Define a “clear and present danger.” 4. List the circumstances that permit government to regulate speech based on content. 5. Define obscenity. 6. State when a threat becomes a “true threat.” 7. Describe some ways one person might stalk another person in violation of a criminal law. 8. Identify when an assembly becomes unlawful. 9. State the basis for the Supreme Court’s decision that the Second Amendment is binding on the states.