Artificial intelligence AI in delivering quality patient care
Artificial intelligence AI in delivering quality patient care
Write a report evaluating the role played by artificial intelligence (AI) in delivering quality patient care at reduced costs. Information systems have revolutionised the way data is stored, organised and managed.
Artificial intelligence (AI) in delivering quality patient care
Information systems have revolutionised the way data is stored, organised and managed.
Write a report evaluating the role played by artificial intelligence (AI) in delivering quality patient care at reduced costs.
Apply the report to the following Health and Social Care organisation: (Pharmaceutical)
§ Pfizer Inc. (
Explain the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI). Then analyse the challenges and benefits of its employment in health care delivery.
Qs.1, 3 and 4 are general.
Q.2 – Identify some of the AI that Pfizer specifically uses that helps them to produce effective drugs.
Q.5 – Choose 3 or 4 of these identified AI Pfizer uses and analyse their impact.
Points to consider:
Firstly, What are the capabilities of artificial intelligence (generic)
Secondly, The applications of artificial intelligence in healthcare. (specific)
Thirdly, The benefits of artificial intelligence (generic)
Fourthly, The challenges of artificial intelligence (generic)
Lastly, Analyse the impact of the AI in health care delivery of chosen organisation (specific).
Evaluate the ethical, social and legal challenges artificial intelligence presents for patients and care providers.
Points to consider:
Firstly,The ethical challenges of artificial intelligence (generic).
Secondly, The social challenges of artificial intelligence (generic).
Thirdly, The legal challenges of artificial intelligence (generic).
Fourthly, Evaluation of the challenges that artificial intelligence presents for patients and care providers of chosen organisation (specific).
Analytical report – Full structure
Firstly, Start with an introduction of the subject matter.
Secondly, Then a brief background of Pfizer organisation after the introduction
Thirdly, Then an explanation of what artificial intelligence (AI) is.
Fourthly, Identify few AI generally – both in healthcare and businesses.
Furthermore, Choose 3 or 4 of the AI that are used in Pfizer organisation and discuss how they are applied.
Points to consider
Number 5 of task 1 and number 4 of task 2 must be based on Pfizer organisation.