How does diet and exercise compare with diabetic medication therapy improving glycemic control an quality of life within three months period

Instructions PICOT QUESTIONS: In group of adult diabetic patients how does diet and exercise compare with diabetic medication therapy improving glycemic control an quality of life within three months period. This is Part 2 of your topic development – the Literature Review for the research question you identified in Week 1. This assignment requires proper APA format. This includes a title page, reference page, and proper headings. An abstract will only be included in your final paper. Write a 4-5-page paper (in addition to the title page and reference page) for your literature review: Select appropriate sources of evidence to support your research topic and compose a literature review supporting your proposal. Include a discussion regarding your investigation and search for the literature to gain knowledge related to your proposal. Please use appropriate headings. Sources are to be within 3-5 years unless the study was the “Mother of all Studies.” This means the earlier study precipitated all the research that followed. If you should use an historical study, be sure to include how the subsequent research supported the original study and/or negated the findings creating evidence that initiated a change in practice or beliefs.

Should We Withhold Life Support

Write a 2-3 page paper that examines the moral and ethical issues involved in making a decision regarding limiting life support.End-of-Life IssuesWith our framework of ethical theories and principles in hand, we begin our look at some of the critical ethical issues in our contemporary world, starting with end-of-life issues. This assessment covers ethical questions related to end-of-life care. Passive euthanasia is the removal or refusal of life-sustaining treatment. Examples of passive euthanasia include removal of a feeding tube or a ventilator, or forgoing a life-prolonging surgery. Passive euthanasia is legal in all 50 states, and the principle of autonomy gives informed patients the right to refuse any and all treatments. Patients who are unable to make such decisions in the moment (because they are unconscious, for example) might have made their intentions clear beforehand with an advance directive or similar document. Things become more complicated, however, when a patient who is unable to make treatment choices has not made his or her wishes clear, either formally in a written document, or informally in conversations with family members or friends. Another problem concerns cases in which there is disagreement about whether the treatment is sustaining the life of a person in the full sense or merely as a body that, because of severe and irreversible brain trauma, is no longer truly a living person.Active euthanasia, or assisted suicide, introduces further difficult moral questions. A patient who has a terminal illness and who has refused treatments that would merely prolong a potentially very painful and debilitating death might want the process of dying to be hastened and made less painful. The patient might want to take his or her own life before the disease reaches its horrible final stages. Should patients be legally allowed to have help in this endeavor? If suicide itself is not morally wrong, at least in cases like these, is it wrong for another person to directly help bring about the patient’s death? Is it wrong for doctors, a role we naturally associate with healing and the promotion of life, to use their medical expertise to deliberately end a patient’s life if the patient wants this?Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:Competency 1: Articulate ethical issues in health care.Articulate the moral issues associated with limiting life support.Competency 2: Apply sound ethical thinking related to a health care issue.Demonstrate sound ethical thinking and relevant ethical principles when considering limiting life support.Explain important considerations that arise when contemplating limiting life support.Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.Exhibit proficiency in clear and effective academic writing skills.PreparationCase Study: Mr. Martinez. ( LINK: )This media piece provides the context for this assessment; make sure you have reviewed the case study thoroughly.Additionally, it may be useful to think through the following issues as they relate to Mr. Martinez’s case:Should Mr. Martinez be transferred to intensive care, where his respiratory failure can be treated by a ventilator, and by CPR if necessary, and his oxygen level can be monitored?What are the key ethical issues or models at play in this case study?What are the key end-of-life issues at play in this case study?How can an understanding of models and best-practice help to guide health care practitioners to make ethical and legal decisions?InstructionsIn a 2–3 page analysis of the case study, address the following:The patient’s directives.The patient’s quality of life.The family’s stated preferences.The moral issues associated with limiting life support.The ethical principles most relevant to reaching an ethically sound decision.Important considerations such as implications, justifications, and any conflicts of interest that might arise because of the patient’s respiratory failure.When writing your assessment submission assume that doctors cannot contact Mrs. Martinez and must make this choice on their own. To help you reach an objective, ethically sound decision, draw upon concepts and arguments from the suggested resources or your independent research. Support your response with clear, concise, and correct examples, weaving and citing the readings and media throughout your answer.Submission RequirementsWritten communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.Length: 2–3 typed, double-spaced pages.Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point

From Disease Prevention To Health Promotion

The SLP assignment for this course will entail becoming familiar with Healthy People initiative. To the end, you will be asked to view a series of videos presenting the key components of Healthy People 2020, illustrating how these are being implemented, noting data sources available to monitor progress toward achievement of Healthy People goals objectives, and recommending strategies for incorporating Healthy People into the work we do as health educators. View the first of these videos. After watching the video, address the following questions: What is Healthy People 2020? Where can one go to obtain information on this initiative? [Hint: The video mentions the relevant web site.] What are the “Leading Health Indicators?” Where can information on these be found? Identify three of these that are of greatest interest to you. Choose the one that concerns you most. What are the goals and objectives associated with this indicator? Here is the video link:

critical analysis for Vaccines

Description Your paper must be a critical analysis of the chosen topic, based in the appropriate theory and methodology, with summary and description kept to a bare minimum. Keep in mind this is not just an informative paper; it will also inform the reader why your topic is making a cultural impact. Your job is to help create a deeper understanding of something most people engage uncritically. Your reader should understand what cultural work is taking place. Whether you like it or not is virtually irrelevant as would be any attempt to convincethe reader that they should or should not like the text. 2. Your research should be supported with a minimum of 3 scholarly sources. 3. Do not use we, you, or I. No contractions. 4. You will be graded on adherence to MLA formatting, mechanics (such as spelling, punctuation, correct quotations, grammar), clear and concise writing, legitimacy of sources, use of research, depth of analysis, and ability to make your topic important to popular culture. 5. Keep the following in mind: Research Question and Thesis: What ? Rationale: Why? Sources: Are your sources credible? Audience: Who cares?

Alternative treatments for Opioid addiction

Alternative treatments for Opioid addiction

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to develop a translation science project to support information systems change. Evidence translation is essential to drive actions and decisions to improve healthcare outcomes. Formulation of a comprehensive translation science project in information systems change supports the professional formation of the DNP scholar. Course Outcomes This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: CO1: Assess the impact of informatics and information technology on organizational systems, change, and improvement. (PO6) CO2: Use information technology to collect and analyze data to generate evidence-based nursing practice across healthcare settings. (PO7) CO3: Design programs that monitor and evaluate outcomes of care, care systems, and quality improvement. (PO7) TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS: 250 PREPARING THE ASSIGNMENT: Follow these guidelines when completing each component of this assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions. The assignment should be no less than 6 pages and no more than 8 pages (excluding title and reference pages and appended evidence tables). The assignment will include the following components: Title Page Introduction Purpose Statement Practice Problem Identification related to Information Systems Change Role of Evidence to Address the Selected Practice Problem. Role of the DNP Practice Scholar in Evidence Translation Practice Problem and Question Significance Prevalence Economic Ramifications Practice Problem Question in PICOT Format Evidence Synthesis of Literature to Address the Selected Practice Problem Scope of the Evidence Synthesis Main Points of Each Source Comparison of Main Points across Sources Appraisal of the Evidence to Address the Selected Practice Problem Level of Evidence Quality Rating of Evidence Suitability of the Evidence to Address the Selected Practice Problem Translation Path Potential Internal Factors for Consideration Potential External Factors for Consideration Selected Translation or Change Model Evaluation Plan Anticipated Outcomes Strategies for Sustainability

New healthcare technology system

Write a workflow analysis summary of no more than 1500 words (4 to 5 pages, not including workflow diagrams) in length, following proper APA format. This summary should detail your proposed new healthcare technology system. The summary should describe how your new information technology could address one or more of the workflow problems identified in your organization/department. Make sure to not only identify what the information technology is, but also how it will improve workflow and clinical or administrative outcomes. In addition, this assignment requires you to include workflow diagrams. Using the flowchart symbols within Microsoft PowerPoint (or other process mapping software), develop two flowcharts: one of the current state workflow prior to your new solution and another representing the future state, post implementation. These charts should be embedded into your workflow analysis summary in the appropriate logical position. Think about issues/problems related to workflow from a clinician or patient perspective in an applicable department or organization and most importantly, a potential technology solution to correct this issue. This can be a project you are currently working on or a future project or, if necessary, a virtual project. Here are some ideas for you to consider: •Critical Diagnostic Imaging or Lab Results ◦Do we have some room to improve the timeliness of delivery to providers? Any third party applications or mobile solutions that could help? What does the current state look like and what would the future state look like post implementation of a new system? •Clinical Communications ◦Do mobile solutions/advanced hardware solutions exist that could eliminate the need for pagers, personal cell phones, or hospital cell phones? What is one area of focus that could be studied here? (e.g., communication from nurse to provider) ◦Do we need more advanced or secure messaging? What does the current state look like and what would the future state look like post implementation of a new system? •EHR Optimization ◦Have you been, or are you about to be, involved with a change to your organization’s EHR system? What was the current state workflow and what will the future state look like post optimization? •Specimen Collection ◦Do we still have issues mislabeling specimens? What is happening in this space that could help this dangerous problem? Any mobile solutions out there? What does the current state look like and what would the future state look like post implementation of a new system? •Patient Engagement ◦Readmission rates in hospitals are a continued focus. Patients are sent home without a complete understanding of their medications, treatment plans, or other discharge instructions, including provider follow-ups. Any technology solutions to keep patients engaged in their care post discharge? Could such a system exist in the inpatient environment as well as in the home? What does the current state look like and what would the future state look like post implementation of a new system? Your workflow analysis summary should include a minimum of two scholarly references that support your technology solution and/or the workflow methodology.

Demonstrate an understanding of what dementia is from the perspectives of different professionals

Description )

perspectives of different professionals

The first learning outcome asks to demonstrate an understanding of what dementia is from the perspectives of different professionals. Managing the person with dementia (PwD) with complex health and social care needs may require a number of professionals to be involved. The multidisciplinary team brings expertise from occupational therapy, social work, and medical and nursing input (Downs & Brooker 2014).

Essentially from a nursing perspective The Nursing and Midwifery council (NMC), (2018;10) ‘requires nurses to keep colleagues informed when you are sharing the care of individuals with other health and care professionals and staff’. Partnership and inter professional working is fundamental in dementia care and has been supported by ……………..provide Reference to support (have a look at Learning Unit 4 to support academic argument for partnership / collaborative / inter professional / co production and also reading list books / journals ) also be mindful of the PwD / family / carers involvement in health & social care decision as part of the partnership………………………… ook to focus on 2 or 3 professionals max) Within the multi-disciplinary team the role of the mental health nurse (MHN) in dementia care focuses on interpersonal relationship and building a therapeutic relationship. Working in partnership the relationship between the mental health nurse and service user is at the heart of nursing practice (Norman & Ryrie, 2009). From a community perspective MHN have a good understanding in relation to investigations and medical diagnosis, provision of emotional and practical support for carers and training for primary care professionals (Keady et al, 2007). The value of MHN working with older people with dementia has been recognised by the Royal College of Nursing, (2015) delivering competence in areas advanced assessment skills, promoting best practice and ethical and person centred care……………………………. Another professional fundamental supporting PwD in the community is the social worker. According to ……….Social workers are responsible for ……………. They involve the PwD, families and carers at the heart of the decision making process etc etc……………………………………………. Another section of Doris CMP (Kings Fund, 2011) I would like to explore further is the MHN was the professional responsible for co coordinating and managing Doris care in the community. Care co-ordination (section 3 of CMP) is pivotal particularly managing complex social and health needs in the community. According to the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG)(2010) the role of the care coordinator provides regular reviews and evaluates the care and treatment. ……………….……. LO3) The final learning outcome looks to provide recommendations for future practice from an inter-professional perspective. It could be argued the allocation of a professional to coordinate the care and treatment plan based on the PwD person centred needs is essential. This helps maintain quality of care and best available evidence to support independent living (DH, 2018). According to WAG (2010) a care coordinator will be a mental health  professional with appropriate skills and qualifications and who will be responsible for working with a person to agree a written Care and Treatment Plan. The Mental Health Measure (WAG, 2010) under part 2 …

Nutrition and Health

Nutrition and Health

Include five to eight major concepts introduced in chapters 1-8,12,13,&18. You might choose concepts that you found the most interesting. Or, you might choose the concepts that presented a challenge for you to understand. Or you might choose concepts according to a theme you decided on. In APA format. The book that is used is Nutrition, Health, & Wellness: An Applied Approach by Shelia Tucker B.E. Pruitt

Massachusetts General Hospital’s Pre-Examination Testing Area (PATA) -CASE STUDY

Massachusetts General Hospital’s Pre-Examination Testing Area (PATA) -CASE STUDY

-The case study will be on Massachusetts General Hospital Pre-Admission Testing Area (PATA); the case is attached. – Title page, table of contents, executive summary, problem statement, Problem data analysis, alternativess, key decision criteria, alternatives analysis and evaluation +Swot analysis charts, key decision criteria chart with results, weighed decision criteria chart with results, recommendation, action and implementation plan with chart, and project plan cost chart are all to be included. An example of a past case study is attached, the case study rubric and directions is also attached

Success and Failures of Gene Therapy in Neurological Disorders

Success and Failures of Gene Therapy in Neurological Disorders

Paper details Guidelines: Term paper should be typed and spaced 1.5. It should be 5 pages including illustrations but the abstract (half page; single spaced), conclusion (half page; single spaced) and references are not included in the 5-page limit. It should be organized with a

• Summary or abstract (half page maximum), • Introduction, (one page) • Main content or the body of the paper (3.5-4 pages) • References (in addition to the above-mentioned 4 pages). In the introduction, you should describe the rationale and the importance of the topics you selected. You should also describe the disease or situation when it is appropriate to use the technology and explain why it is appropriate to use the technology.

In the body of the paper you should explain the biological basis of why the technology might be effective and you should explain the biological basis of potential problems or limitations of the technology (including but not limited to health risks, and environmental risks). You should also discuss the feasibility and efficacy of the technology.

In the body of the paper you should discuss the legal and ethical issues of using the technology. You should also explain if this would be a technology that you would support or not and provide justification for your answer • You should use Times roman 11 font and 0.75 inch margins on all sides. • References should be presented in the American Medical Association (AMA) style ( • There should be at least two references of original papers published in peer-reviewed research journals. • Copy of one such research article must be attached with the paper.