INVESTIGATION – Diverting controlled substances

You are contacted to investigate the suspicion that a nurse is diverting controlled substances.

The suspicious behavior was reported by two coworkers who consistently work with “Nurse A”. Their suspicions are based on the fact that “Nurse A” seems to be accessing the ADC an excessive amount and removing controlled substances compared to the rest of the nurses. “Nurse A” also seldom asks for a witness to waste controlled substances (per protocol, all controlled substance waste must be witnessed in the ADC with another nurse, which generates an electronic record of the waste transaction).

You have access to run reports at the ADC level and on the EMR. Why is the ADC and the EMR interface so important in this situation to assist with investigating the waste concern brought up by “Nurse A’s” coworkers? Think about usage patterns of controlled substances on “Nurse A’s” patient care unit. What information would you want in a report to compare “Nurse A” to all other nursing personnel that work on the patient care unit? Another piece of the investigation involves ensuring the controlled substance counts and handling are correct from the point at which the nurse initially access’ the controlled substances in the ADC.

How will closed loop automation assist you in tracking the chain of custody of controlled substances from the point it leaves the pharmacy to the point it reaches the patient care unit? Describe any additional information that you think would be helpful to investigate a suspected diversion issue.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA

Introduction: Workplace injuries are inevitable; however, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has developed the Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) to assist employers in identifying, correcting, and improving workplace safety. -Evaluate the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) and provide a brief synopsis of your findings. -Explain whether or not your state is mandated to have an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). -Analyze the IIPP model for California (pros and cons). -Justify your view on whether or not the IIPP program is simple to implement and manage based on the California Model, will benefit your organization, and will reduce injuries in the workplace.

Electronic cigarettes are damaging to health and so should be banned

Harvard style referencing (at least 12 references) Intro, 5 main body, conclusion strong thesis statement what are electronic cigarettes how do they work composition of the e-liquid in it effect of e-liquid on users effects of other stuff like battery or something else show term effects on users longterm effects on user( still there is no long term studies on it, but mention it) effects on bystanders statistics statistics on countries that banned electronic cigarettes convince the reader why they should be banned strong conclusion also include other stuff than mentioned above

Understanding Communicable Disease from a Population-Based Health Perspective

Objectives • Analyze the rise of chronic disease in developing countries • Analyze the resurgence of infectious disease in developing countries • Summarize the effects of chronic and infectious diseases on population-based health in the United States Assignment Overview In this written assignment, you will learn about chronic and communicable (infectious) disease rates in developing countries as compared to developed countries and the relationship to population-based nursing. Deliverables 1. A two- to three-page (500- to 750-word) paper a. Read the data set handouts. Read the following data sets provided by the World Health Organization. • Indonesia (developing country) • Guatemala (developing country) • United States (developed country) • France (developed country) b. Review the data sets. Each data set provides a profile of a country’s risk factors for, and incidence of, various chronic diseases. Information about the country’s ability to respond to chronic disease is outlined. Some information about communicable (infectious) disease rates is also presented. Note that the acronym NCD on the data set documents stands for noncommunicable disease; another term for chronic diseases. c. Summarize your findings. Write a two- to three-page paper that: • Compares and contrasts the following aspects of each data set: o Percent of NCD deaths (see pie charts) o Percent of deaths attributed to communicable (infectious) disease and maternal, perinatal, and nutritional conditions (see pie charts) o The significance of trends for blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), blood glucose, and cholesterol levels o The capacity of the country to respond to NCDs • Discusses three key messages from your review of the data sets that relate to population-based nursing and: o The incidence of chronic disease in developing countries versus developed countries o The incidence of communicable disease in developing countries versus developed countries o The impact of chronic and communicable disease in developing countries as compared to developed countries

The healthcare policy concern and solution

1-Overview of the healthcare policy concern and solution: This section provides a concise but comprehensive overview of the healthcare policy as well as the solution. Required content includes: Identification of the healthcare policy Identification of the student identified solution Relevance to the community or population group 2-Identification of communication techniques: This section requires the delineation of communication techniques useful to the upcoming presentation to the selected elected official. Required content includes: Identification of the selected elected official and position Rationale for the selection Identification of 4 (four) beneficial communication/presentation techniques Providing scholarly resources that support the use of the identified communication techniques 3-Self-evaluation of video presentation: This section provides an opportunity for self-evaluation of the video recording. The student must self-evaluate oneself in each major content area by identifying one positive and one area to improve (i.e. content, method of delivery, and style of delivery): Content: Introduction of self Presentation of healthcare policy concern Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern Summary Information is relevant to healthcare concern and its solution Method of Delivery: Effective opening Stayed connected to audience Grammar was correct Style of Delivery: Eye contact Voice clarity Gestures Appearance 4-Conclusion: This section requires a summary of the key points from the video and paper assignment.

Elder adults interview

Interview and Paper/ 6 hours For this assignment, you will conduct a brief interview with an elder and write a 3-4 page, double spaced, APA format, typed paper to describe this elder’s perspectives of aging.

Use the points below to help you prepare your paper. Interview a cognitively intact elderly person. This person must be 65 or older and may be a client, friend, neighbor, parent, grandparent, or other elder family member.

Obtain permission for the interview, which should last no more than 30-45 minutes.

Ask the elder to describe different factors and experiences which they feel shaped their life, lifestyle, and attitudes towards aging and health.

While you are free to develop your own questions and/or direction of the interview, keep the following points in mind throughout the interview, and address each point in your paper. Enjoy your time with your elderly interviewee!

1. Describe any important points in history that made an impact on your life, lifestyle, and/or health.

How did they impact you? Which was probably the most important to you? (NOTE: these could be historical, religious, cultural political, personal, financial, spiritual, etc.)

2. How do you define health? Has this definition changed over the years? If so, how?

3. Describe your current health beliefs/practices. Are they the same as those of your parents, elders, or culture? If different, describe how they are different and what may have influenced the change(s).

4. How do you define “elderly?” Has this definition changed over the years? If so, how? Is there a certain age at which one becomes elderly, or is it a state of health, mind, attitude, etc.?

5. When you were younger, you probably had some expectations about growing older. Please describe them. Have these expectations been met, or has your experience been different? If different, describe.

* Note to Student (NOT AN INTERVIEW QUESTION): also include in your paper the thoughts, feelings, comfort level, etc. that you experienced while spending time with this elder. Have any of YOUR opinions, attitudes, etc., about the elderly changed??

Technology in health care Collective bargaining

Choose a current issue/trend topic from the following list: Technology in health care Collective bargaining The impaired nurse The global nurse workforce Mentoring and coaching in nursing The trimodal model of 21st-century effective nurse leaders Other instructor-approved topic Create a 7-8 page paper in APA format including a minimum of 5 references. Explain how you would lobby your legislators or local government for funds to support your issue or trend. Include the following elements in your paper: share why you chose the specific topic, the current relevance of material, how it is integrated into clinical practice, and how the information is used in clinical setting.

Revenue Management in Cruise Industry

How well does luxury cruise industry lend itself to revenue management? Do Seabourn currently practice revenue management? If so, how successfully, and how might it be done more effectively? If not, are your competitors practicing revenue management, and if so, how? What barriers or obstacles are preventing your organization from implementing revenue management and how might they be overcome?

High Blood Pressure in South Texas

The paper must be typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, and have all margins set to 1-inch. This paper needs to be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Any written assignment submitted with fifteen (15) or more spelling/grammatical errors will be returned as unsatisfactory and will receive a grade of zero until the work is properly completed. This project must follow APA format. Each section of the paper must be clearly labeled with an appropriate heading as follows: Introduction Statement of Problem Overview of the Disease Review of Current Methods Effectiveness of Current Methods Recommendations for Improvement Summary/Conclusion You will be expected to cite variety of sources (minimum 10), 5 of which must be peer reviewed journal articles. Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source.

The desegregation of hospitals in Chicago

Most of you do not know the history of Medicare or Medicaid, or even what these programs actually are. That’s because we don’t talk about them much, except when politicians rant about them being “entitlements.” The reality is that these are programs that were created to provide healthcare to those who cannot afford it and to the elderly. Everyone working in the US pays into these programs. They are not government handouts. Neither program is perfect — far from it. But it’s important that we understand them so that we can make informed choices when we’re voting, as these programs are always a topic of conflict and debate. A lot of conflict surrounds these programs and there are lots of myths about them. The Power to Heal is not going to teach all the intricate details. Rather, you will learn how Black physicians fought during the Civil Rights Movement, and before, to bring healthcare to the most needy in our nation. You will be shocked by much of what you read. For your first post, read the Preface, Chapter 1, and Chapter 2. Then pick a section from those chapters and write about it. First, identify where in the book you’re referring to, including page numbers. Describe the issue or event that you’re reading about. Then, talk about your reaction to it. It’s likely that your reaction will include many questions. Include those in your post. Write about your feelings as you read. For example, you might decide to write about the desegregation of hospitals in Chicago. (Yes, Chicago. Racism and segregation have never been confined to the South!) What about this surprises you? As you read about the people involved, you might want to write about a certain person. You could look for more information on that person through some library research. What specific problems were being addressed? Was there a resolution? What makes you the most angry about a passage? Or the saddest? Or the most hopeful?