Healthy People 2020’s commitment to promote health and prevent disease encourages individuals

Healthy People 2020’s commitment to promote health and prevent disease encourages individuals to make healthy lifestyle choices for themselves and their families. Conceptual models and theories play a major role in health promotion and disease prevention. In addition, epidemiological data, such as morbidity and mortality statistics, helps identify health problems common to a particular population. Select one of the Healthy People 2020 initiatives and discuss available preventative health services (immunizations, health screenings, etc.) relevant to the initiative, as well as health promotion strategies to be implemented by the advanced practice nurse for a selected population/age/ethnic group (neonates, children, adults, pregnant female, older adult). Please consider theoretical concepts and epidemiological data while discussing health promotion strategies.

Herbal medicine

 Herbal medicine


Paper details:

To look closely at ideas, trends, phenomena, artistic creations, events, et cetera, and assess the merits or examine the parts or determine causes, effects, or meanings. An analysis should make close observations that could serve to inform, entertain, persuade, or motivate, and should support those observations with facts, anecdotes, statistics, quotes, aesthetic theories, evidence from history or social science, or other sources. Audience: Teacher and classmates Tone: Formal. Assignment: Write 3-5 pages about an idea, trend, event, or artistic creation. Introduce the topic and provide appropriate background. Establish the importance or application of the topic. Write a clear thesis statement stating your topic and opinion in the introduction. Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence that makes a claim followed by supporting evidence. Include at least one paragraph that addresses alternative viewpoints. Consult at least 2 sources and include a list of works cited. Use appropriate MLA citation. Format: MLA citation, 12 pt Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, double spaced. Include an engaging title centered above the text under a heading. Be sure to use parenthetical citation for in-text citations and include an MLA bibliography


Feature Film Pitch Mental Health


Write up a pitch for a feature film based off of this story: You must also follow the stages of The Hero’s Journey to be able to do this. Here is a link to that as well: Please be detailed. The film must consist of the character’s normal world, an inciting incident, an obstacle/conflict, and a resolution/ending. All must follow the story’s concept, so you’ll basically just be adding on to the story

Research in Health and Social Care


The assignment is made up of two parts: 1) Write a review of the literature in an appropriate topic that relates to your area of practice. In order to do this you will need to identify a topic and then undertake a literature search in order to find the material for your review. 2) Write an in-depth critical appraisal of a single key study that addresses your research question. Reflect on any relevant practice, research and ethical issues. Dear writer, I have attached the work I did which I did not meet the pass mark and the lecturer’s feedback. Kindly take a look and let me know maybe we should build on that. I have also attached supplementary guide on the assignment. I am happy to clarify anything at any point this is because I do know what I am required to do but because English is my second language I struggle with my writing and critical analysis a lot of the time, plus I was in all the lectures

Research over Ebola Diseases

Description Minimum of 2 pages. This assignment will really boost my grade if it’s well made. This is what she gave us :Introduction (20pts) What to include in the introduction: This should be a 12 inch font, double spaced, 1-2 pages on your topic (the bacterial disease). It should include: what is the common name of the disease, the scientific name of the bacterium, what are characteristics of the bacterium: structure/shape, genetic information/genome, size. where is your organism/bacteria found in the world? Is it endemic to certain regions? Briefly mention problems associated with the bacterial disease? What are some solutions to the problem? Remember do not go into detail on problems and solutions here. This will be the end of the research paper. B. Body of the Research Paper. 2-3 article analysis. (50pts) What to include when analyzing the scientific studies/articles/scholarly paper. First make sure that the studies are recent. Unless it is an important study/paper such as the discovery of the bacterial disease, then you may cite it. What I expect you to do, is read the study and then write about the study. You are to include the objectives of the study. Materials used in the study. Where did study take place? What data does the study present? What were the results of the study? The significance of the study? 2 2 You will do this 2-3 times, depending on the number of studies you decide to write about. If you have questions, please email me via canvas. C. Conclusion (15 pts) What to include in conclusion: Write a briefly summary of the bacterial disease and its impacts on humans and organisms affected. This is where I want you to expand on the problems and solutions. After reading the 2 or 3 studies and writing about them, recap/discuss your findings. You are analyzing the studies. D. Citation (use APA format) (5pts) When you use facts or ideas that are not your own you must cite the source of your information. This will help others to know where you got the facts or information in case that person would like additional details about your subject. Also, it is important not to plagiarize the work of others. Plagiarism is taking the ideas or work of someone else and using them as if they were your own. Plagiarism is a crime. While editorial policies of various journals vary, these policies must be followed precisely. In many areas of biology, the following citation format is used: Author’s last name, first name or initials. Year of publication. Article title. Journal title. Journal volume (Journal number): page numbers. This is the ONLY correct way a citation will be accepted when doing your analyses and literature citations. Examples are given below. Note that some have one, two, three, or no authors. For articles with three or more authors, use the first author’s name followed by a comma and et al. There are no quotation marks or underlining used for the title of the article or the journal. The first line of the citation begins even with the left margin. All subsequent lines are indented. Barnes, Roger. 1979. Cyanate and sickle cell anemia. Scientific American. 189(4):196-201. Smith, K. and M. Jones. 1980. The behavior of wasps. BioScience. 49:14-16. Anonymous. 1977. Brain chemistry may influence behavior. Nation’s Health. 26:39-45. Journal – us this one!! Grindal, S. D., et al. 1992. The influence of precipitation on reproduction by Myotis bats in British Columbia. The American Midland Naturalist. 128(2):339-344. Books: 3 3 Bolt, Bruce A. 1988. Earthquakes: A Primer. W. H. Freeman and Company, New York. 282 pp. Whitney, E. R., E. M. N. Hamilton, and S. R. Rolfes. 1990. Chapter 12, Energy balance and weight control. In: Understanding Nutrition, Fifth Edition. West Publishing Company, St. Paul. pp. 348-394. Hogan, M. J. and D. Goss. 1990. A family checklist to conserve energy. In: Cutting Energy Costs: The 1990 Yearbook of Agriculture. J. Hayes, ed. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. pp. 134-140. Repeat this format exactly when writing your citation. E. Grammar, organization (5pts) F. Format. Write paper in 3rd person format. DO not write it with “my” “I” etc. (5pts)

Case Study on COPD Heart failure Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus

Case Study on COPD,Heart failure, Hypertension, and Diabetes Mellitus


Paper details:

Review the following case study and complete the questions that follow. For this assignment, write your responses to each question as one narrative rather than separating your responses by question number. Include an introduction and a conclusion. Submit your answers using APA format, well-written sentences, and detailed explanations. Your analysis must be scientifically sound, necessary, and sufficient. Paper must be a minimum of 8 pages, plus references and title page. You must also include a bibliography of at least 3 sources (with at least one non Internet source). Your textbook may not be included as a source for this assignment. Refer to the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded. Case Study M.K. is a 45-year-old female, measuring 5’5” and weighs 225 lbs. M.K. has a history of smoking about 22 years along with a poor diet. She has a history of Type II diabetes mellitus along with primary hypertension. M.K. has recently been diagnosed with chronic bronchitis. Her current symptoms include chronic cough, more severe in the mornings with sputum, light-headedness, distended neck veins, excessive peripheral edema, and increase urination at night. Her current medications include Lotensin and Lasix for the hypertension along with Glucophage for the Type II diabetes mellitus. The following are lab findings that are pertinent to this case: Vitals BP 158/98 mm Hg CBC Hematocrit 57% Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) 7.3 % Arterial Blood Gas Assessment PaCO₂ 52 mm Hg PaO₂ 48 mm Hg Lipid Panel Cholesterol 242 mg/dL HDL 32 mg/dL LDL 173 mg/dL Triglycerides 1000 mg/dL What clinical findings correlate with M.K.’s chronic bronchitis? What type of treatment and recommendations would be appropriate for M.K.’s chronic bronchitis? Which type of heart failure would you suspect with M.K.? Explain the pathogenesis of how this type of heart failure develops. According to the American Heart Association 2017 new guidelines, and M.K.’s B.P. value, what stage of hypertension is she experiencing? Explain the rationale for her current medications for her hypertension. Also, discuss the impact of this disease in the U.S. population. According to the lipid panel, what other condition is M.K. at risk for? According to this case study, what other medications should be given and why? What additional findings correlate for both hypertension and Type II diabetes mellitus? Interpret the lab value for HbA1c and explain the rationale for this value in relation to normal/abnormal body function?

INVESTIGATION – Diverting controlled substances

You are contacted to investigate the suspicion that a nurse is diverting controlled substances.

The suspicious behavior was reported by two coworkers who consistently work with “Nurse A”. Their suspicions are based on the fact that “Nurse A” seems to be accessing the ADC an excessive amount and removing controlled substances compared to the rest of the nurses. “Nurse A” also seldom asks for a witness to waste controlled substances (per protocol, all controlled substance waste must be witnessed in the ADC with another nurse, which generates an electronic record of the waste transaction).

You have access to run reports at the ADC level and on the EMR. Why is the ADC and the EMR interface so important in this situation to assist with investigating the waste concern brought up by “Nurse A’s” coworkers? Think about usage patterns of controlled substances on “Nurse A’s” patient care unit. What information would you want in a report to compare “Nurse A” to all other nursing personnel that work on the patient care unit? Another piece of the investigation involves ensuring the controlled substance counts and handling are correct from the point at which the nurse initially access’ the controlled substances in the ADC.

How will closed loop automation assist you in tracking the chain of custody of controlled substances from the point it leaves the pharmacy to the point it reaches the patient care unit? Describe any additional information that you think would be helpful to investigate a suspected diversion issue.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA

Introduction: Workplace injuries are inevitable; however, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has developed the Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) to assist employers in identifying, correcting, and improving workplace safety. -Evaluate the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) and provide a brief synopsis of your findings. -Explain whether or not your state is mandated to have an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). -Analyze the IIPP model for California (pros and cons). -Justify your view on whether or not the IIPP program is simple to implement and manage based on the California Model, will benefit your organization, and will reduce injuries in the workplace.

Electronic cigarettes are damaging to health and so should be banned

Harvard style referencing (at least 12 references) Intro, 5 main body, conclusion strong thesis statement what are electronic cigarettes how do they work composition of the e-liquid in it effect of e-liquid on users effects of other stuff like battery or something else show term effects on users longterm effects on user( still there is no long term studies on it, but mention it) effects on bystanders statistics statistics on countries that banned electronic cigarettes convince the reader why they should be banned strong conclusion also include other stuff than mentioned above

Understanding Communicable Disease from a Population-Based Health Perspective

Objectives • Analyze the rise of chronic disease in developing countries • Analyze the resurgence of infectious disease in developing countries • Summarize the effects of chronic and infectious diseases on population-based health in the United States Assignment Overview In this written assignment, you will learn about chronic and communicable (infectious) disease rates in developing countries as compared to developed countries and the relationship to population-based nursing. Deliverables 1. A two- to three-page (500- to 750-word) paper a. Read the data set handouts. Read the following data sets provided by the World Health Organization. • Indonesia (developing country) • Guatemala (developing country) • United States (developed country) • France (developed country) b. Review the data sets. Each data set provides a profile of a country’s risk factors for, and incidence of, various chronic diseases. Information about the country’s ability to respond to chronic disease is outlined. Some information about communicable (infectious) disease rates is also presented. Note that the acronym NCD on the data set documents stands for noncommunicable disease; another term for chronic diseases. c. Summarize your findings. Write a two- to three-page paper that: • Compares and contrasts the following aspects of each data set: o Percent of NCD deaths (see pie charts) o Percent of deaths attributed to communicable (infectious) disease and maternal, perinatal, and nutritional conditions (see pie charts) o The significance of trends for blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), blood glucose, and cholesterol levels o The capacity of the country to respond to NCDs • Discusses three key messages from your review of the data sets that relate to population-based nursing and: o The incidence of chronic disease in developing countries versus developed countries o The incidence of communicable disease in developing countries versus developed countries o The impact of chronic and communicable disease in developing countries as compared to developed countries