TASK: Critically justify the application of the EBP process in a practice situation and the rationale for why a nurse would need to know the answer to the chosen question.
My chosen question is “What is the effect of using correct hand hygiene procedures to reduce the risk of hospital acquired infections in patients?”
In your justification, consider the following: o support your discussion with current literature (in-text references) on EBP o think about health and safety and clinical practice o remember at this point you are not answering the question, you are just informing the reader of the importance of answering the question for clinical practice.
• Develop a search strategy to then systematically search the relevant nursing databases for articles to answer your answerable question. • Report your systematic search narratively. You can support your narrative report with a table- a logic grid of search terms will be good idea.
• Refer to the unit material to ensure that your report covers all elements of the systematic search (keywords, alternative keywords, databases, limits, hits).
• Make sure that you narrow your search to 10 articles that are relevant to your answerable question.
• In your report, it is required to outline how you narrowed your search. Many students in my cohort have found this task confusing, I have attached a form titled ‘Replies to students queries’ where our lecturer clears up confusions many students have around the structure of this assignment.
It has been stated to us that it is important to know that this assignment is not about answering the question, but about the justification of the Evidence Based Practice process, breaking down the question using PIO or PICO, and narrating how we came to find the articles