Hv3 systolic heart failure


The references are given with the assessment instructions. I need NMBA and NSQHS refences. And the heart foundation reference. All information and sources are under an assessment tab 1 in my student portal. It can be accessed through VUWS – pls ask support team for login info . I give permission for you to go into my student portal and access any information for this subject assessment 1 for Health Variations 3 Assessmen

In women diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism at the realization of pregnancy does treatment with levothyroxine for TSH greater than 2.5mlU/L reduces the risk of spontaneous abortion within the first trimester


Provide a written narrative covering the following items: Please label each week 6-10 and write on each week individually. (1) Bullet points providing an overview of clinical or scholarly activities during the reporting time period (Weeks 1–5). (2) Commentary and evidence (examples) of progress toward achieving specific course objectives. (3) Reflections that include thoughts, feelings, and correlation to the University Five Pillars of Nursing (professionalism, critical thinking, holism, communication, and caring) on the overall experience and correlate to The Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice. The essentials that correlates mostly with my project are these 3 below: (1) Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice (2) Essential VI: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes (3) Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving the Nation’s Health Refer to the website for the DNP essentials details: https://www.aacnnursing.org/Portals/42/Publications/DNPEssentials.pdf

Research question: In women diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism at the realization of pregnancy, does treatment with levothyroxine for TSH greater than 2.5mlU/L reduces the risk of spontaneous abortion within the first trimester? Please just generalized the experiences eg. Going through patient charts, researching different studies related to my topic. Mention how helpful my mentor has been with guidance and IRB application.

What is the effect of using correct hand hygiene procedures to reduce the risk of hospital acquired infections in patients


TASK: Critically justify the application of the EBP process in a practice situation and the rationale for why a nurse would need to know the answer to the chosen question.

My chosen question is “What is the effect of using correct hand hygiene procedures to reduce the risk of hospital acquired infections in patients?”

In your justification, consider the following: o support your discussion with current literature (in-text references) on EBP o think about health and safety and clinical practice o remember at this point you are not answering the question, you are just informing the reader of the importance of answering the question for clinical practice.

• Develop a search strategy to then systematically search the relevant nursing databases for articles to answer your answerable question. • Report your systematic search narratively. You can support your narrative report with a table- a logic grid of search terms will be good idea.

• Refer to the unit material to ensure that your report covers all elements of the systematic search (keywords, alternative keywords, databases, limits, hits).

• Make sure that you narrow your search to 10 articles that are relevant to your answerable question.

• In your report, it is required to outline how you narrowed your search. Many students in my cohort have found this task confusing, I have attached a form titled ‘Replies to students queries’ where our lecturer clears up confusions many students have around the structure of this assignment.

It has been stated to us that it is important to know that this assignment is not about answering the question, but about the justification of the Evidence Based Practice process, breaking down the question using PIO or PICO, and narrating how we came to find the articles

Community health/Teaching

The benchmark assesses the following competencies: 3.3 Provide individualized education to diverse patient populations in a variety of health care settings. The RN to BSN program at Universities meet the requirements for clinical competencies as defined by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), using nontraditional experiences for practicing nurses. These experiences come in the form of direct and indirect care experiences in which licensed nursing students engage in learning within the context of their hospital organization, specific care discipline, and local communities. Based on the feedback offered by the provider, identify the best approach for teaching. Prepare a presentation based on the Teaching Work Plan and present the information to your community. Options for Delivery Select one of the following options for delivery and prepare the applicable presentation: PowerPoint presentation – no more than 30 minutes Pamphlet presentation – 1 to 2 pages Poster presentation Selection of Community Setting These are considered appropriate community settings. Choose one of the following: Public health clinic Community health center Long-term care facility Transitional care facility Home health center University/School health center Church community Adult/Child care center Community Teaching Experience Approval Form Before presenting information to the community, seek approval from an agency administrator or representative using the “Community Teaching Experience Approval Form.” Submit this form as directed in the Community Teaching Experience Approval assignment drop box. General Requirements While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. ATTENTION: Please pick long -term care facility option as the preferred community setting.

The Role of Economic Principles in Healthcare Decision Making

In your readings this week, you explored the basic economic principles of trade, choice, opportunity costs, and scarcity, along with the law of demand. What are the potential positive and negative impacts of applying these principles to the healthcare industry? How do you think a healthcare organization should balance the economic principles described with issues of health, life, and death in terms of its policy decisions and strategic planning? Can you put monetary value on a life?

The critical health care issue in my community public healthissue is sudden infant death syndrome SIDS

Suppose your organization is concerned about a number of health issues that have either affected an increased number of the residents in the community or show the probability of affecting a larger number of people in the population. Your organizational leaders have asked different health care professionals within the organization, including you, to examine the issues from your perspective, and to submit a report that includes evidence-based ways to address the issues. The critical health care issue in my community public healthissue, is sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Then, look in the Internet for statistics and peer-reviewed or professional resources to use in preparing your report. Format this assessment as a professional report. It may help to look at reports or other documents used within your organization and to follow that formatting. You must still follow APA guidelines for in-text citations and references, and include a title page and reference page. Within the report: • Describe one critical health issue in your community or state that has grown larger or has the potential to become larger. Be sure to include any statistics available on the health issue. Tip: check your county and/or state health department Web site. • Explain the factors that contribute to this health issue. Consider things such as access to health care services, economics, culture, attitude, education, health care policies, and so on. • Describe any interventions your community or state has put in place to address the health care issue. Include information on how long the interventions have been in place, how the community was made aware of the interventions, and so on. • Describe the scope and role of nursing and public health nursing in the interventions to reduce the health issue. • Recommend evidence-based ways the scope of the interventions could be expanded to increase positive health outcomes. Think in terms of cost, efficiency and access, effectiveness, and the use of both conventional and unconventional interventions. • Title page and reference page • At least 3 current scholarly or professional resources. • Times New Roman font, 12-point, double-spaced. Prepare a 4 page report on a critical health issue in a community or state. Describe the factors that contribute to the health issue and interventions that have been implemented. Explain the scope and role of nursing in the interventions, and recommend ways the scope of the interventions might be expanded. • Competency 1: Explain the factors that affect the health of communities. o Explain the factors that contribute to a critical health care issue within a specific community. • Competency 2: Apply evidence-based interventions to promote health and disease prevention and respond to community health issues. o Describe current interventions to target a critical health care issue within a specific community. o Describe the scope and role of nursing in current interventions that target a critical health care issue. o Recommend evidence-based ways to expand the scope of interventions to target a critical health care issue. o Describe a critical health care issue within a specific community. Community/public health nursing is nursing care that is population-focused and occurs in non-hospital settings. Numerous nursing theories can provide the structure for community/public health nursing; however, nursing theories that incorporate components of the general systems theory frequently provide the framework for the practice of community/public health nursing. Historically, nurses have made significant contributions to the field of public health. From providing maternal-child care to poor women in the late 1800s, to promoting hygiene among school aged children in the early 1900s, to providing environmental and safety care to industrial workers during World War I, nurses have been instrumental in shaping health policies (Maurer & Smith, 2013). Today, community/public health nurses have a key role in identifying and developing plans of care to address local, national, and international health issues.

Case Study: Identify a patient with multiple and complex chronic health care needs (Patient should have a minimum of three chronic health conditions

Please, follow assignment instructions. 1- Assessment 2 & Criteria Rubric: Follow instructions as mentioned. 2- Assessment Criteria Sheet: Write for band 7. 3- Other important points: You will find Nursing databases for articles. 4- References: You can use only the one, which highlighted in yellow color. 5- References: Use 30 References (Peer-reviewed articles within 5 years). 6- Please look for the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uYY2nd-d_k

Public health specialist

Imagine you are a public health specialist and have recently been hired by the local school system. After an initial assessment within this school system, it has been shown that there has been a significant increase in reports of bullying (both physical and cyber) in grades 7 through 12. There appears to be no real differences in reported cases across gender or ethnicity, but students in grades 7 and 9 combined make up 50% of all cases. Using the information above, create an initial post in which you address the benefits of applying a logic model. Be sure to analyze the potential impact the community intervention could have, to include an example of a logic model that you think would be appropriate for this situation, and to describe a potential evidence-based solution for this situation.



What are you discussing – define the disease I. Give a brief description of the disease. For example if you are discussing hypertension- then define hypertension for the reader. II. Etiology (Cause) List the cause or causes- you can provide a brief description of the cause(s) if it is not self explanatory. Do not forget about your page limitation. III. Incidence (new cases) and Prevalence (if applicable) Look up what these two terms mean. Dr. Makukutu uses the terms considerably in his microbiology courses. These terms are important in epidemiology(?). IV. Pathophysiology Remember physiology is discussion of the process(es) of normal actions of the body- how does the cell, tissue, organ, system, organism work-normally. Pathophysiology is a an explanation of how abnormal (disease) processes occur- like, for example, how does cancer of the liver work. V. Diagnosis (give different methods if possible) List the methods of diagnoses- you can provide a brief description of the method(s) if it is not self explanatory. Think of History, Physical Examination, Laboratory, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, EKG, Special Tests, etc. Of course, the types of diagnostic tools that can be used depend on the particular disease. VI. Treatment(s) List the possible treatments- you can provide a brief description of the treatment(s) if it is not self explanatory. VIII. Prognosis What are the expected outcomes from the various treatments? IX. New methods of diagnosis, new treatments (if applicable). Did you find anything new on the topic that is not the currently acceptable to the medical world? IX. References – simply list your reference sources.

Physician Assisted Death


Write a three to four-page debate paper (Times New Roman, 12-font, double spaced, 1-inch margins, page number and running head in header, headings) arguing your position either for or against physician assisted dying (PAD). Title your paper “Should nurses and physicians assist patients who want to end their lives?” Present information and background on PAD, including existing protocols and a list of the current jurisdictions in the US where PAD is legal. Explore where New York state is on this issue. Discuss the ethical arguments using ethical principles for and against PAD and then present your position and include a conclusion