Does therapy and counseling actually have a lasting positive impact on mental health patients

You have graduated from college and are working as a professional in your field.

Your supervisor has asked you to compile an evaluative annotated bibliography on a problem in your field to help her prepare a report to the administration on how your company will address the problem. Your annotated bibliography should include a minimum of 10 sources from a variety of publications. Structure of Your Annotated Bibliography  Begin with an introductory paragraph that defines the problem you’re researching. o This paragraph should follow academic writing conventions and contain your thesis statement.  Citations should be formatted in APA style. o If you need a refresher on APA style, check out the King University Libraries’ How to Cite Your Sources Guide:  Entries should be in alphabetical order by author’s last name.

 Basic structure: citation followed by 1-2 paragraphs summarizing and analyzing the source. What to Include in Your Entries

 A brief summary of the source. Include only the main points of the article:

o What was the source about? o What methods or data were included?

o What were the author’s conclusions?

 A detailed analysis of the source: o How recently was this information published?

o Is the author qualified to write on this subject? How do you know?

o How were the methods and/or data presented?

o Did the author’s conclusions make sense in light of the data?

o Was anything missing from the author’s analysis? Did they ignore a major aspect of the problem? How did that influence their conclusions?

 Your conclusion about the source: o How does this source fit within the context of your research?

o Is it a source that you would ultimately use for the final report?

You might not be able to answer all these questions for each source, but you should try to answer at least two from the analysis list as well as formulate a conclusion about the source. Please note – you do not need a cover page for the annotated bibliography. My “profession” on this assignment is a mental health counselor and I am researching whether counseling has a positive lasting impact on patients.

Public Health and urbanization

Describe three pros and three cons for urbanization and include examples. Pick one form of urbanization and describe how that form of urbanization can impact an individual’s health status. Pick a health issue of your choice and describe how urbanization and vulnerable populations play a role in the prevalence of that health issue. Name at least one public health intervention that is used to address urbanization (Describe that intervention and how it is used to address urbanization).

How religion culture education and class impact health practices

Behavior change is one of the most difficult implementation strategies in global health. Factors such as religion, culture, education and class all impact the way people around the world view health, disease and the treatment of disease. Write a 500-word essay on how the health knowledge or practice that you identified through the RESEARCH activity in this module affects the risk factors, individual behavior, government policy, or other forms of responses to the global burden of disease in a specific population or country that you identified. Use data from the of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluations to justify and support your response. And PLEASE use three academic journals from google scholar to support your idea.

Management of Chronic Disease Colorectal Cancer


The subject is Colorectal Cancer. Part 2 Part 2 is a 3500 report and comprises 90% of your total mark. You are asked to choose one psychological or physical symptom that may affect a person with your chosen long term condition. You will compare your current practice, in supporting a person to manage the selected symptom, to evidence for best practice. You will make recommendations for future practice. You should use the following marking criteria to guide the structure of your report. Management of Chronic Disease Marking Criteria Report Word Count, Marking % Introduction Set the scene for the report by including a short description of the allocated chronic disease and briefly explaining its aetiology and epidemiology. A search strategy outlining key search terms and databases used, and the relevant results found should be included. Your search strategy can be presented in a table. Word Count = 500 approximately Marking = 10 % Section 1 – Overview An overview of the symptom you plan to explore. Explore how this could affect your patient. The symptom should be clearly identified and linked to your chosen condition. You should consider the impact of the symptom on day to day living. Word Count = 750 approximately Marking = 15% Section 2 – Evaluate 1 assessment tool Evaluate 1 assessment tool (consider advantages/ disadvantages). Tool should be linked to your chosen symptom and reference made to how used within your chosen condition. Word Count = 750 approximately Marking = 20% Section 3 Discussion of current practice Discussion of current nursing practice in supporting patients with the selected symptom, which will include comparison of your current practice to the evidence for best practice. You should discuss the nursing management required to enable the patient to maximise their health and well-being and self-manage their condition. This must demonstrate a holistic approach (physical, emotional, social and spiritual). You should include reference to the support of family/carers and the role of other members of the multidisciplinary team and the voluntary sector where relevant. Word Count = 1000 approximately Marking = 35% Conclusion A summary of key points raised in the report Word Count = 250 approximately Marking = 5% Recommendations (7%) Recommendations for future nursing practice (written in the 1st person). This should be linked to the selected condition or management of chronic diseases. This should be related to your own practice. Word count = 250 approximately Marking= 5% References (5%) In-text citations to support points made and a reference list should be provided in the portfolio, using APA 6th referencing style. Key guidelines to condition should be referenced. Evidence of relevant reading. Marking = 5% Presentation and literary style (5%) Presentation: word-processed; pages numbered; organised as per guidelines for academic work. Literary style: accurate spelling; grammatically correct; fluency. Marking 5% Total Word Count = 3,500 Marking = 100%

Evolution of the American Health Care System

question1— Select an allied health care profession and provide a description of the jobs and services provided by that profession. Research regulatory or professional organizations that serve the profession you chose, and describe an area in which the profession seeks to improve or expand. In what other ways might the profession grow to better serve the ever-changing health care population? question2— Select and describe one of the key factors that influenced the evolution of the U.S. health care delivery system to what it is today. What challenges and opportunities are still relevant? How is the selected key factor affecting health care delivery today? How might it affect future health care delivery?

Applying lean tools and management principles to health care improvement projects

Simon, R., & Canacari, E. (2012). A practical guide to applying lean tools and management principles to health care improvement projects. (Links to an external site.) AORN Journal, 95(1), 85-103 19p. In this assignment, you will use LEAN principles as described in the article and critically evaluate strategies involved in the decisions you have made. Please read the case study below and answer your questions thoroughly and completely.Your paper should be 2-4 pages long, excluding reference page. CASE STUDY Raymond, a 78-year old man living in a motel, is found lying on the floor of his room, semi-conscious, by a housekeeper. The motel manager calls 9-1-1, and Raymond is taken to the closest emergency department. There, he lies on a gurney in the hallway for 6 hours before he is examined by a physician. Because it is unclear what is wrong with him, and he cannot speak coherently, the physician admits him to the hospital for observation. Later, when it is determined that Raymond had a stroke, he is discharged to an inpatient rehabilitation facility on the same medical campus as your hospital. The rehabilitation facility had no knowledge of his medical history, including his current medications for hypertension and high cholesterol. Raymond died there several weeks later. As a manager at the hospital profiled in the case study, identify one (1) area for improvement that can be gleaned from Raymond’s health care experience at your 200-bed community hospital and the affiliated rehabilitation facility. Develop a SCOPE statement [DOCX, File Size 17.4 KB] describing the area for improvement (see the example on page 6 of the article). Be sure to include the following components and briefly explain each: background justification; quantifiable goals; a target completion date; suggested approach; membership including the sponsor, leader, facilitator, core members who are expected to attend every team meeting, extended members who are brought onto the team as needed; and macro-flow, which is a simplified, process- flow diagram of the current state, typically consisting of about six steps Recommend a solution to the identified problem, be sure that your solution is feasible. In 1-2 paragraphs, critically evaluate the plan. How did you address the cost-benefit-quality balance? Are there any possible consequences to your plan? If so, what?

Outline a current or emerging health care law or federal regulation introduced to reform or restructure some aspect of the health care delivery system

Include the following:

Outline a current or emerging health care law or federal regulation introduced to reform or restructure some aspect of the health care delivery system.

Describe the effect of this on nursing practice and the nurse’s role and responsibility. Discuss how quality measures and pay for performance affect patient outcomes. Explain how these affect nursing practice and describe the expectations and responsibilities of the nursing role in these situations.

Discuss professional nursing leadership and management roles that have arisen and how they are important in responding to emerging trends and in the promotion of patient safety and quality care in diverse health care settings. Research emerging trends. Predict two ways in which the practice of nursing and nursing roles will grow or transform within the next five years to respond to upcoming trends or predicted issues in health care. You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.


This Assignment is your final manuscript. It was developed so you would learn how to prepare a manuscript for submission to a journal following their author guidelines. Directions For this Assignment, you will submit your completed manuscript If the author guidelines require a cover letter, title page, author bio, or any other files these must also be uploaded as separate documents at the same time as the manuscript. Do not place the author guidelines as part of the manuscript and do not follow normal School of Nursing formats for this Assignment. Please read the rubric and submission requirements carefully. The MANUSCRIPT SHOULD BE READY FOR SUBMISSION TO YOUR CHOSEN JOURNAL. Manuscript Preparation General Guidelines MANUSCRIPTS SHOULD BE PREPARED FOLLOWING THE PUBLICATION MANUAL OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, SIXTH EDITION (2010). PAGES MUST BE DOUBLE-SPACED, WITH 1-INCH MARGINS. MANUSCRIPTS SHOULD NOT INCLUDE A TITLE PAGE or any other author-identifying or institution-identifying information to ensure blind peer review. AUTHORS ARE ASKED TO USE AN “X” AS A PLACEHOLDER FOR IDENTIFYING INFORMATION until a final decision has been made. THE COVER LETTER SHOULD INCLUDE AN EXPLICIT STATEMENT OF THE IMPORTANCE OR RELEVANCE OF THE MANUSCRIPT TO THE JOURNAL OF NURSING EDUCATION’S READERS. IMPORTANT! Manuscript files uploaded for review should NOT include any of the authors’ names or institutional affiliations to facilitate blind peer review. Files MUST include continuous page and line numbers. MANUSCRIPT TITLES SHOULD BE LIMITED TO 12 OR FEWER WORDS; be concise, specific, and informative; and contain the key points of the work. Overly general titles, as well as questions and declarative sentences, should be avoided. Use of abbreviations should be limited to those that are commonly understood without explanation. All abbreviations must be spelled out at first mention in the text. Pharmaceuticals should be referred to by their generic names. Authors may wish to review the editorial published in the February 2010 issue of the Journal of Nursing Education for general guidelines that can increase the likelihood of manuscript acceptance in the Journal. MAJOR ARTICLES ARE GENERALLY LIMITED TO 15 PAGES, EXCLUSIVE OF REFERENCES, TABLES, AND FIGURES. TABLES AND FIGURES SHOULD BE LIMITED TO THOSE THAT ARE NECESSARY TO CLARIFY OR AMPLIFY THE NARRATIVE. ALL MAJOR ARTICLES MUST INCLUDE A STRUCTURED ABSTRACT OF APPROXIMATELY 150 WORDS, USING THE FOLLOWING HEADINGS: BACKGROUND, METHOD, RESULTS, CONCLUSION. STATE THE PURPOSE CLEARLY, DEVELOP A LOGICAL ARGUMENT, AND BASE CONCLUSIONS ON EVIDENCE YOU HAVE PROVIDED OR CITED. References References must adhere to the style specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,sixth edition (2010). Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references, particularly author names and page numbers. Names of journals should conform to PubMed/MEDLINE. The titles of those journals that are not listed in PubMed/MEDLINE must be provided in full. Journal titles should be cited as they existed at the time of publication. Figures, Photos, and Illustrations Each figure must be numbered and cited consecutively in the text.

Risks and Cyber Threats to the Healthcare Industry

Discuss your topic and its relationship to your current (or future) practice.

Discuss why the topic is important in healthcare informatics. What research have you have found on the topic? Describe how each scholarly article relates to the topic and your current (or future) practice.

Describe what conclusions you have drawn based on your research of the topic. What ethical or legal issues does this topic present? Create a plan for implementing a change (or justify the need for no change).

Who needs to be involved? What training programs are needed? Is there a need for on-going training? Discuss how you would evaluate the success of the change (or the continued success of what you are currently doing). What is the cost to implement or maintain this change? Who will be financially responsible? How feasible is this change? Finally, identify how changes in public policy and technological advances in the future could impact this topic. What would those changes mean to the healthcare industry? NB: Please answer to all the question , remember to have a introduction and a conclusion al final. The current practice is : psychiatric health The most important thing is to add the slides note ( the slide note at least 60 words each for that reason i choise 550 words, )

Ischemic heart disease and vascular disease

Ischemic heart disease and vascular disease

The next phase of the development of a community health promotion project is to research, design, and present a prioritized list of viable intervention alternatives to a group of key decision makers so they have the necessary information to approve a plan to take the project to the next step. The designated project leader should hold an initial meeting to foster effective communication and lay out ground rules to avoid silo thinking. The goals to be accomplished in this meeting should include the following: Educate the team in a systems-thinking approach, including definitions and identification of system elements. Create guidelines for collaborative norms to establish trust among team members. Identify the criteria needed to reach agreement. Based on the final recommendation, create an agenda for the term of the project. Your task in this assignment is to identify viable alternatives, provide criteria for the selection process, prioritize feasible solution interventions, and offer a “best of breed” recommendation that clearly meets the goals and outcomes of the project stakeholders. Note: It may be helpful to assume that your audience is a planning group. You will need to incorporate what you learned about typical values and expectations of planning-group members into your development of selection and prioritization criteria. Instructions Part One Create a 5–7 page Assessing Alternatives—Leader Guidelines document that could be used by you to lead a working meeting that accomplishes the following: Demonstrates strategies to integrate the knowledge and skills of the stakeholders participating in the meeting. Presents viable alternatives (supported by relevant sources) for consideration by the group. Provides criteria (based on best practices from the literature) for the selection process. Describes the consensus-building structure for arriving at feasible solution interventions. In the closing section of your document, imagine that your group has arrived at a recommendation that clearly meets the goals and outcomes of the stakeholders in the project (the organizations and community members). Provide a summary of the analysis and results based on the alternatives you presented. Describe the implications and recommendations for next steps. You will need to demonstrate how you would apply best practices in formulation, organization, and operation of a community health planning group and process.