Cannabis Addiction

Cannabis Addiction

*I also need Paper outline* Please describe your paper topic. If you have questions regarding refining and development your topic, this is a space to ask. You may also post a preliminary outline. Please post no later than Wednesday July 24th. The Paper outline will be Due August 7th at 11:59pm. Please upload the outline in this drop box. The paper parameters are below: Assignment: Pick an addictive substance or behavior of your choice. This can be a substance or behavioral addiction, i.e. shopping, compulsive gambling, steroid use, etc. Please read the parameters carefully and entirely to guide your paper writing. As this is a research paper, you can explore an area of interest. Be wary of covering a topic that is too wide or too narrow. Below are some topic ideas to get you started: Required Elements: Introduction of the substance/behavior of choice Chemical composition/origin- where does it come from, i.e. plant, chemicals, when did the phenomenon first come about? -Each substance has three names, what are these names? Historical aspect of your chosen addiction -How has use of this evolved over time? (i.e. Cocoa leaves to cocaine) -Populations, geographical locations, etc. -How have technological advances affected your substance (i.e. distillation and alcohol) Political: How have politics, laws, legislation, wars, etc., impacted your substance of choice? Biological implications of your selected addiction (How does it affect the body?) -Include brain scan research and biological information -Which neurotransmitters and systems of the body are affected? Societal implications of your selected addiction -What are the statistics on this substance/behavior? -How many people use it worldwide?/How many people are affected by this addiction? -Who uses it and why?/ Is there a certain population vulnerable or prone to this behavior? -In what settings is this used, i.e. is it a club drug, a “poor man’s drug”, etc./Body builders -What damage does this cause-financially, emotionally, mentally, physically, societally?

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