Boeing Defense and Military Gap

Use the internal and external analysis attached to this email to make the final strategy paper. I have outlined how the strategy paper should look in the Framework Tab. They need to use the GAP Analysis Tool which is best described below. 3 Attachments are uploaded to explain every detail Introduction: Brief Introduction on Boeing Defense and Military Gap

Analysis Describe what Gap Analysis is, and why we are using it. Suggestion 1: Invest in R & D to manufacture their own products because they rely on their suppliers heavily. Have the capability to produce their own products if in case the suppliers are not available. Please incorporate GAP Analysis in this answer. Suggestion 2: Explain how robotics and AI help with the defense industry. Please incorporate GAP Analysis in this answer. Suggestion 3: Explain why bringing commercial practices to the defense side would be beneficial to for the defense side. See answer below from the CEO. Incorporate GAP Analysis Is it simply a case of bringing commercial practices to the defense side, or is there some tweak you’re bringing from commercial manufacturing? It is a hybrid. We have incredible commercial advancements. We’ve also been doing complementary advancements on the defense side. And we’re bringing them together. What we do well on defense is the up-front development. What our commercial enterprise does is large-scale production. So, it’s how do you merge the best of both of those worlds? Then, you add in the services side. It really has changed the way we look at the value stream. We’re looking at areas of opportunity to drive out cost, drive in efficiencies for our factories and to help with support so the Navy, Air Force and Army have a better chance of reducing their ownership and maintenance costs. Conclusion: Brief Conclusion including something about GAP analysis. Paper Details 5-7 Pages Long Only Focus on Boeing Line OF Business Defense Try to focus specifically on Airplanes portion of Defense Clarity and logic of writing o Interesting and well-written (20 points) • Major structural/formatting/grammar issues/poorly written • Some issues which take away from reading – 6-12 points • A good read • Particularly well-written • A paper which adds to my understanding of the case • Demonstrate knowledge of class concepts • Gratuitous application of class concepts • Well-thought application of class concepts • Integration of class concepts into case • Rigor of Analyses ( Analytical tool or framework Appropriate tool ( • Correctly applied • Did the author(s) take a stand on the issue • Did the author(s) offer recommendations for what the company can do differently o Are those recommendations practicable? o Are those recommendations novel?

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