Analyzing and selecting a Target Audience step 2 assignment

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to focus on analyzing and selecting a Target Audience step 2. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of this assignment paper well and concisely.

Analyzing and selecting a Target Audience step 2

Step 1: Defining the Situation and Potential Benefits

1.       Firstly, identify and explain the health issue on which you will focus (e.g. social distancing during covid19)   Define important terms.

2.       Secondly, address the significance/costs:  What are the health consequences?   What are the costs to individuals?   What are the costs to others?

3.       Thirdly, address the scope: How prevalent is this health concern?   Is the prevalence greater for some groups than others?

4.       Fourthly, address factors influencing people’s behavior regarding this health issue.

This section must include accurate citations and references for at least 3 academic articles. Use APA format for citations (within the text) and references (list at end of paper). Use library databases (Academic Search Premier, CINAHL, Medline), to find articles on your topic that address the four points listed above.

Step 2: Analyzing and selecting a Target Audience

You are selecting and describing whom your campaign will target and why, and thoughts and behaviors of this targeted group of people that could be addressed by your campaign:

1.       Based on articles addressing your health issue, think carefully about the people affected by the issue (target population).  Describe the people/groups affected by your health issue.

2.       Choose a target audience that your campaign could significantly impact (i.e. your family/friends).  Describe this group and why it is particularly important that they be the focus of a campaign on your health issue (i.e., why is it important to change their behavior?)   Your writing needs to explain why you chose this target population.   Why should a campaign be focused on their behavior?

3.       Find out everything you can about your “target audience.”  Why are they particularly vulnerable on your health issues?  What thoughts/behaviors offer information about how to persuade this group?

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