Analyze the characters Jane Eyre from “Jane Eyre” and Mr. Rochester

Analyze the characters Jane Eyre from “Jane Eyre” and Mr. Rochester from “Wide Sargasso Sea” on how they are both trapped within their social classes to try and maintain an identity that conflicts their ideals.

Analyze the characters Jane Eyre from Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester

Analyze the characters Jane Eyre from “Jane Eyre” and Mr. Rochester from “Wide Sargasso Sea” on how they are both trapped within their social classes to try and maintain an identity that conflicts their ideals.

Include rebuttal paragraph but honestly just analyze Jane Eyre from “Jane Eyre” and Mr. Rochester from “Wide Sargasso Sea”. There needs to be either the struggle with power OR identity along with a socio-political issue like gender, class, OR race. There must be the combination of power or identity with a socio-political issue.

More details;

University of New Hampshire, May, 2012
British travel writing has for centuries helped to construct English identity in relation
to its others.

The traditional function of travel narratives to define Englishness, however,
faced a fundamental crisis of meaning when the British Empire starting falling apart after
WWII. This crisis emerged as an explicit literary subject in several key 1960s novels:
John Fowles’s The Magus (1965), V. S. Naipaul’s The Mimic Men (1967), and Jean
Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea (1966). In these three novels, Fowles, Naipaul and Rhys
critique British imperialism by engaging and reinventing the travel narrative form.

Although many British writers publishing during the 60s were using travel tropes and the
generic conventions of travel narratives in their fiction, they were rarely doing so to
question how the connotations of travel had changed with the end of empire or to
investigate in self-critical fashion the role of travel in endorsing imperial versions of
English national identity.

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