Analyze the song Protect Ya Neck by the Wu Tang Clan using the check list as a guideline to evaluate the song in a well-organized paper of at least a 550 words.

1. What is the Song explicitly about and WHAT IS GOING ON IN THEIR COMMUNITIES AND THE LARGER U.S. SOCIETY?(Social conditions/politics at that time see readings & Power points to help) 2. What are the central issues and ideas raised as the plot or rhyme unfolds? 3. Who are the central characters and in the song and are their views fully developed or are they a stereotype or caricature? 4. What particular points of view are being expressed about race and racism? On ethnicity, gender, family, social class, and other social issues? What other values and beliefs are being probed? Whose or what point of view is being privileged (i.e., that is presented in an exclusive manner or developed in a way to win audience identification with it). 5. How are these issues/ideas/viewpoints manifested on the individual, group, and community levels in the song? How are individual characters in the film/song linked to family, small groups, and their community? 6. What relationship is there between the song content and the historical period in which it is made? 7. Is the song catering to the interests/prejudices of a particular audience or is it attempting to be more universal in its appeal? 8. Does the song attempt to cast light on social differences? Does it promote tolerance or Intolerance of cultural diversity? What value judgments are being expressed? 9. Is there any expression of religious, ethnic, political, and class solidarity and for what aims? 10. How does the song define human nature? To what extent is human society portrayed as predatory, competitive (Social Darwinist) or one based on cooperation, mutual respect, and mutual aid? 11. If oppressive conditions exist for some of the song MC’s or film’s characters, how is that oppression resolved?

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