An overlap de novo metagenomics gene assembler

An overlap de novo metagenomics gene assembler

I need a literature review about metagenomics assembly especially gene assemblers (peptide assemblers) the structure would be as follow Introduction : general introduction about assembly (definition – benefits – complexity …etc) . background: Mainly would give a brief background about bioinformatics and metagenomics so the none specialist reader will get a general idea. de novo assemblers Vs reference-based assemblers: Comparison between the two types of assemblers then we show the advantages of using de novo assemblers. Peptide assembly Vs nucleotide assembly : Comparison between the two types of assemblers and why here we could give a hint about why we will propose a peptide assembler. Overlap Graph vs de Bruijn Graph: Comparison between the two types of graphs and their use in the assembly process and why here we could give a hint about why we will an overlap graph review of peptide assemblers: a very brief review about reference-based peptide assemblers. detailed review about de novo peptide assemblers. both reviews should mention which graph type have been used in the papers.

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