Histopathology laboratory investigations on given information

Histopathology laboratory investigations on given information

This is an assignment that discusses a histopathology laboratory investigations on given information. The investigation is focusing on the ALD and NAFLD.

A histopathology laboratory investigations on given information

I. Assessment Requirements

Firstly, you are to produce a high quality, fully referenced essay on the topic given below. Ensure you use published primary literature to support your arguments. Also, make use of images and tables to convey as much information as possible.

The word limit is 2500 words, +/- 10% (i.e. minimum word count of 2250 and a maximum of 2750). This excludes figure legends, tables, titles and references.

II. Assessment Scenario/Problem

•        A patient is under investigation for liver disease. Critically discuss the histopathology laboratory investigations available, and the information this can provide to the histopathologist. Select Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and also Non-alcoholic Fatty liver disease (NAFLD) as medical liver diseases and contrast the laboratory findings in these two selected diseases, highlight similar findings and how different findings allow the diseases to be differentiated.

(most important point is highlight similar findings and how different findings allow the diseases to be differentiated also Make use of images and tables to convey as much information as possible.

Avoid background information, focus on the science behind the laboratory investigations and the cellular pathology of the disease.

Ensure that in this paper you use Harvard reference (minimum reference 30) and UK style

Additionally, include appropriate diagrams, preferably original images.  However, do not use websites as a source of reference.  This is M level work, and should be presented at the standard of a published journal article.
Subsequently, conduct advanced research or equivalent, technical or professional enquiry; comprehensively understands, designs and also applies appropriate research methodologies and techniques; communicates results of research to peers in an appropriate manner.

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