Challenges Facing Healthcare Workers

Challenges Facing Healthcare Workers

Refer to Chapter 9 of the textbook and identify one potential problem in health care. Use the five-stage model for approaching problem solving by Wheatley. What is the aspect of this situation that you think is most important?

Refer to Chapter 9 of the textbook and identify one potential problem in health care

Refer to Chapter 9 of the textbook and identify one potential problem in health care. Use the five-stage model for approaching problem solving by Wheatley. What is the aspect of this situation that you think is most important? What new learning did you experience?  Which things get in the way of solutions? How will we work together?

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The Top 10 Challenges Facing Healthcare Workers

1. Lack of advancement opportunities. Fifty-one percent of healthcare workers said lack of advancement opportunities posed a significant challenge in their current or previous position. The number was slightly lower among nurses: 49 percent of nurses identified advancement opportunities as a challenge, compared to 52 percent of other healthcare professionals.

The CareerBuilder survey also asked healthcare professionals if their current or most recent employer offered a number of different employee development programs, including in-house skills training, education reimbursement, technology training and opportunity for innovation. Of the 10 programs listed, only one — in-house skills training — was answered “yes” by more than 50 percent of survey takers. Interestingly, employers felt differently: In response to the same question, more than 50 percent of employers said they offered in-house skills training, education reimbursement, flexible work schedules, cross-training and the opportunity to mentor others.

2. Work overload. 

According to the CareerBuilder survey, the provider shortage is hitting every healthcare organization in the country — especially when it comes to nurses. Forty percent of healthcare workers responded that they felt challenged by work overload at their jobs; the number jumped to 48 percent when the pool was limit to only nurses. The survey also identified a key turnover issue in healthcare workers taking on additional responsibilities above their comfort level. The provider shortage means fewer staff members must divide a significant workload, pushing some employees to the brink of exhaustion and decreasing job satisfaction considerably.