Politics and justice system theories of social justice

Politics and justice system theories of social justice

This assignment paper is on Current Political Issues and Justice. The focus of this week’s lesson is on justice. As we have seen, there are various ways of understanding what justice is, how it is to be applied, and the different kinds of justice.

Current Political Issues and Justice-The focus of this week’s lesson

The focus of this week’s lesson is on justice. As we have seen, there are various ways of understanding what justice is, how it is to be applied, and the different kinds of justice. This week you will be taking one of the major approaches to justice covered in the lesson and applying it to an issue of contemporary relevance.

Pick one of the following issues, and write a 3-4 page essay in which you apply any one of the theories of justice we covered to that issue.

What would Plato some other philosopher say about one of these issues?

What kind of laws would we adopt if we were to follow their conception of justice?

Firstly, Legalization of recreational drugs.

Secondly, Assault weapons.

Thirdly, Minimum wage.

Thirdly, Free healthcare.

Fourthly, Free college.

Furthermore, Capital punishment.

Additionally, The Electoral College.

Moreover, Border wall.

Lastly, Net neutrality.


More details:

A Theory of Justice is a 1971 work of political philosophy and ethics by the philosopher John Rawls, in which the author addresses the problem of distributive justice (the socially just distribution of goods in a society). In 2001, Rawls published a follow-up study titled Justice as Fairness: A Restatement.
Who wrote the theory of justice?
A Theory of Justice, by Harvard philosophy professor John Rawls (1921–2002), has been widely hailed ever since its 1971 publication as a classic of liberal political philosophy — earning its author such praise as being called the most important political philosopher of the twentieth century, and receiving the National …
Nov 2, 2017
What are the theories of social justice?
Thus the reader searching for enlightenment on the subject of social justice is now present with a large array of theories of justice from which to choose: monolithic or pluralistic; rights-based, meritorian or egalitarian; Aristotelian, Hegelian, feminist and so on.

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