Third Reich resistance Nazi-led genocide of European

Third Reich resistance Nazi-led genocide of European

This essay entails a paper on the Third Reich resistance and the results that followed Nazi-led genocide of European. Third Reich resistance occured after the oppression of the slaves by the elites to the slaves. The people formed movements which resulted to the deaths of many people and family separation.

Third Reich resistance Nazi-led genocide of European

Firstly, History & Memory Paper Assignment 2 All papers should be four-five, double-spaced pages. Please note the policy for grade reduction of late papers on your syllabus. Papers should: Present a complete introductory paragraph that defines the focus of the paper and includes a clearly articulated thesis. Include topic sentences for each paragraph of the paper that substantiate your overall thesis.

Also, draw on the requisite number of sources, as stated in the questions below. No outside (non-assigned) citations are allowed. • Cite relevant evidence. Please feel free to draw upon the pictures that are included in lecture outlines. “Evidence” includes your sources of information as well as the source of any particular quotation you reproduce. o We are not particular about the style of citation you use (i.e. Chicago vs. MLA etc.), but do expect you to be consistent and accord with scholarly standards. • Include discussion of any conflicts in interpretation that emerged in your chosen sources and indicate which point(s) of view you find most compelling and why.

Spell check and include page numbers. Please answer one of the following questions: (1) Why did the perpetrators involved in the  Jewries carry out their actions? In your answer, draw on and analyze three of the following assigned sources: Jan Gross, Neighbors, Christopher Browning, Ordinary Men, Daniel Goldhagen “Police Batallion 101,” and Primo Levi, Gray Zone.


Secondly, nder what circumstances did resistance to the Third Reich and its racial and genocidal policies take place? What forms did resistance take? Your answer should define “resistance” and draw on and analyze three of the following sources, as represented on the syllabus: Stoltzfuss, “The Limits of Policy,” Primo Levi, “The Gray Zone,” Christopher Browning, Ordinary Men, Daniel Goldhagen, “Police Batallion 101,” Jan Gross, Neighbors, Etty Hillesaum, “A Letter from Westerbork,” in Cohen and Stein, eds.

Thirdly, tracks in the Snow: Recollections of a Macedonian Partisan.” Essay should focus on last half of course but can draw on earlier material in addition to that required, above. Last half course: Cohen and Stein, eds., “Tracks in the Snow: Recollections of a Macedonian Partisan.” • Stoltzfuss, “The Limits of Policy,” • Primo Levi, Gray Zone. • Christopher Browning, Ordinary Men, • Daniel Goldhagen “Police Batallion 101,” If you guys have any questions, just message me. Thank you!

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