Communication Annotated Bibliography Strengths and Weaknesses
Communication Annotated Bibliography Strengths and Weaknesses
This essay entails a Communication Annotated Bibliography including a Study’s Strengths and Weaknesses of a chosen topic.Communication Annotated Bibliography is chosen to conduct a research on and come up with a complete project proposal.
Communication Annotated Bibliography Strengths and Weaknesses
Firstly, for this assignment, you will compile an annotated bibliography consisting of 6 academic sources that focus on a communication topic of your choice.
Also, a bibliography—sometimes referred to as “Works Cited” in a research paper—is an organized list of sources (e.g., books, journal/magazine articles, Web sites, etc.) consulted in the process of conducting research. Each source in the bibliography is by a citation that includes the author’s name. The title of the source, and the publication details. Name and location of publishing company, year of publication.
Secondly, in addition to these elements, an annotated bibliography contains a description and an evaluation of each source (this commentary is the annotation). The annotation’s purpose is to summarize and assess the work cited and to enable readers of the annotated bibliography to decide if a particular study is relevant to their research. Annotations differ from abstracts, which typically do not evaluate the research project discussed.
Thirdly, each annotation in your bibliography should be approximately 150 words (or 4-6 sentences long). Your wording should be clear and concise. You must include the following elements. Main focus or purpose of the work. Method(s) used to collect and analyze data. Author’s conclusions or observations. If possible, provide an assessment of the study’s strengths and weaknesses.
Lastly, you may use MLA or APA citation style Be consistent throughout the assignment with the citation style you choose. Consult an online source, such as OWL at Purdue if you are unsure about how to cite a source correctly. Our Moodle site contains a link to an online citation guide.
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