Roles and responsibilities of nurses in Australia

Roles and responsibilities of nurses in Australia

This is a paper that requires the student to examines roles and responsibilities of nurses in Australia. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Examines roles and responsibilities of nurses in Australia

Assignment 1 – Written Assignment

HSNS376/576 Assignment 1

This assessment relates to: Learning Outcomes 1-5
Assessment 1: Safeguarding patient care

This assignment examines roles, and also responsibilities nurses have about making decisions about practice aiming to keep patients safe in Australian healthcare.  As a core skill for a nurses reflection is a conscious effort to think systematically about an activity or incident that allows us to consider what was positive or challenging and if appropriate plan how it might be enhanced, improved or done differently in the future.

Case study

In 2001, 18-month-old Josie King died of dehydration and a wrongly administered narcotic while an inpatient at Johns Hopkins Hospital.  Her mother, Sorrel King, tells the story of how this happened and explains her role as a consumer (parent) in improving patient safety.

*Please note Josie’s story is a confronting and also avoidable tragic incident that occurred in a hospital. Please be aware that it may cause you distress and seek support if you need it. You can discuss with the unit coordinator, or contact UNE Student Support.

The Josie King Story

In preparation for the assessment task
View – the video of Josie’s story
Additionally, review – the associated relevant documents below

i.  Firstly, review the NMBA Registered Nurse Standards of Practice

ii.   Secondly, Australian Commission Safety and Quality in Health Care National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards: Partnering with consumer standard and follow to the link Partnering with patients in their own care.

iii. Thirdly, Code of conduct; Code of conduct for nurses

iv. Fourthly, Code of Ethics;  Code of ethics for nurses from 1 March 2018, the International Council of Nurses Code of ethics is in effect for all nurses in Australia


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