Karl Marx’s theory of commodity fetishism

Karl Marx’s theory of commodity fetishism

Use a contemporary specific media example to show Karl Marx’s theory of commodity fetishism? This is a 1,000-word piece of work that uses the conceptual framework of one of the theorists studied in the course to assess a contemporary media issue.

Use a contemporary specific media example to show Karl Marx’s theory of commodity fetishism?

This is a 1,000-word piece of work that uses the conceptual framework of one of the theorists studied in the course to assess a contemporary media issue.

Think about the relationship between the theories studied and the wider media environment.

The essay should, therefore, cover both an outline of the theory. (This demonstrates your understanding of contrasting positions in relation to it.) As well as the application of that theory to the media.

You can relate these concepts to specific media texts. (I. e a single television programme, a film or an app.) To a policy debate (eg media ownership.) To a technology, or to a broader activity that affects the media (branding, advertising, public relations).

Question: Use a contemporary specific media example to show Karl Marx’s theory of commodity fetishism?
This is a 1,000-word piece of work that uses the conceptual framework of one of the theorists studied in the course to assess a contemporary media issue.

The theorist= Karl Marx, (This session focuses on the contribution of Marx as an Enlightenment thinker who identified key characteristics and dynamics of capitalist society. We look at Marx’s ideas on alienation, commodity fetishism, competition and class)

Conceptual framework= commodity fetishism
–       Are Marx’s theories of consumer capitalism and commodity fetishism relevant in a modern-day context and in relation to American Apparel advertising?

–       To what extent has the fair-trade Divine Chocolate brand become an example of modern commodity-fetishism?

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