Hemolysis in the Clinical Laboratory

Prepare an annotated draft reference list identifying the specific scholarly research literature sources (i.e., books periodicals, or online sources) that you propose including in your literature review. The annotated draft reference list will comply with the following general formatting requirements:

Reference list entries will be formatted per the requirements sections 6.22 through 6.32 and Chapter 7 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition.

Typed using a 12-point Times New Roman font Double-spaced throughout entire paper Use a 1 inch margin Page header will include your title and page numbers Title/cover page will include the working title of your document, your name, the course name, the university name , and the date (Month Day, Year, e.g. February 15, 2018) An Annotated Bibliography Template is provided for you to work from. If you find that you cannot complete each section of the table for a reference that you find, you probably don’t want to use that reference for this assignment or for the Literature Review.

Please be sure to delete all of the pre-loaded comments on the template before submitting the document for a grade. Please see pages 198-222 of the APA manual for guidance with reference section entries. There is also an annotated bibliography example assignment provided to use as guidance and inspiration for your own annotated bibliography assignments.

In the example document, you will see corrections, comments, and suggestions. Those are the same kinds of corrections, comments, and suggestions that you will see in your document. Keep in mind that you can always reach out to our library for assistance with searching for scholarly and academic research articles that will be useful in the development of your concept papers, annotated bibliographies, and literature reviews.

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