You are a public health official at the NJDHHS and you 

You are a public health official at the NJDHHS and you have been asked to come up with an intervention to address a public health issue.  In a 4 to 6-page essay paper, apply the P.E.R.I. approach to address the problem.

You are a public health official at the NJDHHS and you

You are a public health official at the NJDHHS and you have been asked to come up with an intervention to address a public health issue.  In a 4 to 6-page essay paper, apply the P.E.R.I. approach to address the problem.  Identify, analyze, and address a public health issue of your choosing.  You must provide a reason for choosing this health issue and why it is important to address it. Now, using data from the CDC, peer-reviewed articles, or other credible sources (and cite them), describe the PROBLEM in general (ie. How prevalent is a health issue? What is the incidence? What population(s) are affect?
Is one population affect more or at higher risk than others? Are there major consequences of the health issue?  (Why is this something public health should address?)

Discuss the  ETIOLOGY  of the health issue  (i.e. causes,  associations)  identify which health determinants  (BIG  GEMS)  are responsible for the health problem,  and/or make it worse using at least one scientific peer-reviewed journal article  (cite article).    Identify at least four scientific peer-reviewed journal articles evaluating a   specific intervention/program   (i.e. IMPLEMENTATION and EVALUATION) that attempts to fix the health problem using either engineering, enforcement, or education* (cite the articles).

Describe the approaches each program uses to reduce the problem.

Was it primary, secondary, or tertiary intervention?
Firstly, what were the methods use?

Secondly, what were the populations studied and why were they chosen?

Thirdly, what were the outcomes of the interventions (i.e. were they successful)?

Fourthly, what did the articles identify as  future  research,  or  steps  to  be  take  to  address  the  problem?

(Use  the  suggestions  in  the articles,  but  also  try  to  think  of  additional  solutions  and  questions  that  need  to  be  answered).  Based on your research (eg. etiology, interventions methods, the populations, the outcomes, and the strengths and weaknesses of the studies) how successful do you think these interventions how successful  do  you  think  these  interventions  would  be  for  the  populations  you  are  targeting?

Using  your  research  as  justification  (eg.  the  description  of  the  problem,  the  etiology,  the intervention  programs  you  reviewed  taking  into  consideration  the  population  studied,  the outcomes, and the strengths and weaknesses of the studies), make a RECOMMENDATION for a future course of action on how to reduce the health issue in your target population. Describe the type   of   programming   you   recommend   and   why?

You   must   be   able   to   justify   your recommendation with your research (*Note:  If research is sparse,  use, and apply articles about a similar health problem or similar populations.  If research is really scarce,  you can base your recommendation on  ETIOLOGY studies. Regardless, you must be able to justify your recommendation.)

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