Evolution of green algae

A student report is required, approximately 12 pages in length (typed, double-spaced, no larger than 12-point font and one-inch margins, and not using right justification; required length not including figures, tables, bibliography, etc.), on a subject (pertinent to the course) of the student’s choice (approved by the instructor).

The student should include a bibliography and should appropriately reference information within the text. Please do not include a folder or cover with the report, do not staple the report’s pages together, just use a paperclip. The report should include at least twenty-five references (i.e., citations) pertaining to the subject area.

The citations can include newspaper and magazine articles, references from the Internet, articles from the primary literature, etc. At least 75% of the citations must be “traditional” primary literature sources (i.e., not from the Internet, newspaper, etc.).

The report should be an original writing exercise by the student. Students should be aware of the CCSU policy on plagiarism “http://web.ccsu.edu/registrar/policies/academicMisconduct.asp? redirected”. It is not acceptable to use text directly from another source and present it as your own work. You cannot keep the same wording as in your original source and present it as your own writing – that is plagiarism. Merely altering a few words from the original author’s format still constitutes plagiarism.

Moreover, information (i.e., the facts, not the writing itself) taken from another source and presented in the report in the student’s own words still must be cited. That is, you must tell the reader the source of this information. While it is generally acceptable to directly quote information from another source, this must be clearly indicated (with quotation marks) in the writer’s report. However, for the BIO 425 report assignment do not use any direct, verbatim quotations. Students should consult a writing style manual (e.g., Council of Biological Editors Style Manual) to determine the appropriate format for citations in the text, footnotes, and bibliographic references. Further guidance on format and citation/bibliographic style will be provided in class.

Additionally, the student should not use any reports prepared for another class, either previously or concurrently.

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