Perspective on mental health system

A research essay of an actual situation involving a person in Ontario who had contact with the psychiatric system and whose life ended tragically.

Apply an anti-oppressive analysis to systems of power, and reflect on the types of support that might be offered to someone in crisis.

Name of Person to research: Michael Eligon Familiarize yourself with what happened by reviewing reports from a range of media sources and/or Coroner’s Inquest reports. Pay particular attention to their death and what led to it. Write a one-paragraph summary of the case.

Then, in standard essay format with appropriate citations and bibliography of at least five sources, answer the following questions:

In your opinion, what role, if any, did ‘mental illness’ play in the circumstances that led to their death?

What about in the act of their death itself? What structural and interpersonal factors might have contributed to their situation and to how the different systems (police, hospitals, courts, corrections personnel, etc.) responded to them? What could have been done differently?

How might the systems and/or individuals involved have better supported this individual?

Conclude your essay by providing three recommendations for social workers, hospitals, police and/or prisons (depending on the circumstances of your case) that you feel would improve the lives of people in similar circumstances in the future.

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