Explanation of a specific health-related matter, disease, disability
For your first assignment, write a brief explanation of a specific health-related matter, disease, disability, procedure, etc. Your explanation may have a practical purpose; in fact, it will help to imagine how real people might use your explanation.
Explanation of a specific health-related matter disease disability
For your first assignment, write a brief explanation of a specific health-related matter, disease, disability, procedure, etc. Your explanation may have a practical purpose; in fact, it will help to imagine how real people might use your explanation. Your audience will be people with no specific medical training, and especially no training in the field to which your topic belongs. However, while they do not have specialized training, they are not necessarily uneducated. You do not want to talk over their heads, but neither do you want to appear in style or attitude to be condescending to them.
The topic you explain in your paper must be technical enough that an average reader would not be able to understand it without your help. You must choose at least one section of your paper and provide an explanation of a highly technical aspect of your topic, and write the explanation so that any member of the general public can understand it.
Try to imagine your readers as specifically as possible.
Perhaps they are people who are so affected by illness, trauma, or anxiety that they cannot think and read at their normal levels. They are friends or relatives of a patient who is afflict with an illness or who is undergoing procedures they need to understand. Perhaps they are simply members of the general public who have, for whatever reason, developed an interest in the topic.
Base your explanation upon material written for a technical or professional audience, such as a journal article, or several such articles (the reference librarians at Shields and the other libraries can help with this requirement, and I will say more about sources in class).
You will have to design your language, sentence structure, and format to make the material accessible to your audience, and will also need to provide background information and definitions. In writing about a technical matter to people outside your field, it usually helps to anticipate and address questions—particularly “how” and “why” questions—that they may have. Try, also, to adopt as concrete a language as possible, perhaps using analogies to help you support abstract points and ideas.
As you choose to include or omit bits of information, keep in mind what the reader needs to know. Feel free to add a sketch, diagram, photo, chart, or any other kind of illustration. Whatever you do, please do not try to recycle a paper from another course. Such a paper will not fit the topic, and will thus have an ill-focused quality about it that will inevitably produce dullness and a bad grade. As our course information sheet explains, for citing outside sources, we will use the CBE/CSE Name-Year System. You will need citations in the body of your paper, and a separate “References” page at the end.
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