Ms. Haskins the administrator of a nursing facility

Ms. Haskins,the administrator of a nursing facility, is headed out of the facility to getlunch when she hears someone weeping down the hall. She nds Ms. Miller, a resident, in her bed in the hallway.

Ms. Haskins,the administrator of a nursing facility

Ms. Haskins,the administrator of a nursing facility, is headed out of the facility to getlunch when she hears someone weeping down the hall. She nds Ms. Miller, a resident, in her bed in the hallway.

“What are your doing here, Ms. Miller?”

After catching her breath, Ms. Miller replies, “He moved me out here. He moved me away from Tom.”

Tom is Ms. Miller’s husband with whom she shares a room.

“Who moved you out here? One of the nurses?”

“That young man. He took me away from Tom.”

“You mean Mr. Keller, your CNA?”

“Yes! He’s mean to us.”

“Why did he move you into the hall?”

“He’s a bad man. You should get rid of him.”

Unable to get a clear answer from Ms. Miller, Ms. Haskins tracks down Mr. Keller and asks why Ms. Miller has been moved outto the hall.

“She and Tom won’t stop bickering,” Mr. Keller replies. “The other residents were starting to complain. And I was getting pretty sick of hearing it,too.”

Was Mr. Keller justied in moving Ms. Miller outin the hall? Why or why not?

Has Mr. Keller violated the Millers’ rights as residents in any way? If so, how?

How could this situation have been better handled?

If you were in Ms. Haskins’ shoes, what would be your response?

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