How either gender or sexuality influences a person’s relationship

You read a book this week that dealt with how either gender or sexuality influences a person’s relationship to citizenship in the United States. Using the introduction to your book, briefly explain what your book is about, what the scope and methodology are, and what the book’s thesis is (200 words).

How either gender or sexuality influences a person’s relationship

For Discussion four, please address the prompts below.

You read a book this week that dealt with how either gender or sexuality influences a person’s relationship to citizenship in the United States. Using the introduction to your book, briefly explain what your book is about, what the scope and methodology are, and what the book’s thesis is (200 words).
Next, you will select examples from the book that support the book’s argument and illuminate the role of sexuality or gender in citizenship. If you read Canaday, you should include examples from at least three different chapters. If you read Gardner, you need to use examples from at least five chapters (since the chapters are so much shorter) (750 words).

Please remember to keep your post focused on the reading. Use concrete examples to support your points. While short quotations are acceptable, please use them judiciously and include a page reference.

More details;

How does culture influence sexuality?
Influences of culture on sexuality. Hogan RM. Religion is a cultured phenomenon, a subculture within our larger cultural system. Religiosity, or acceptance of the teachings of a particular religion. Is more important as a determinant of sexual behavior than a specific religion per se.
Why sexuality is important to the human being?
Sex is an important part of life and overall well-being. In relationships, orgasms play a significant part in bonding. Physical and emotional benefits like reduced risk of heart disease, improved self-esteem, and more can come from having sex.

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