Era where issues of race seem to permeate almost every aspect of politics

In an era where issues of race seem to permeate almost every aspect of politics, it should come as no surprise that many of our discussions and the topics given for your research paper has racial under/overtones.

Era where issues of race seem to permeate almost every aspect of politics

In an era where issues of race seem to permeate almost every aspect of politics, it should come as no surprise that many of our discussions and the topics given for your research paper has racial under/overtones.  Our politicians are certainly aware of the tensions which exist along these lines and are often all too willing to exploit those tensions & differences for their own personal gain.  For your final discussion board. You are to read an article (which is linked below) which tackles the often controversial matter of affirmative action.

Affirmative action is a practice which has long been in place in order to help balance the playing field. Whether for jobs or for admission into universities. As a result of decades of racial disparity and unequal treatment.  It goes without saying that this issue remains controversial and have has often been viewed through the lens of white vs. African American & Hispanic/Latino, but recently a fascinating case made its way through the lower federal courts which threatened to undo all that affirmative action is and has done as for the first time ever, it was not white vs. other minorities, but one minority group vs. others minorities.

Issues of race

In the case which you will read about. Lawyers representing Asian-American students who applied to Harvard sued based upon racial discrimination by maintaining the admissions factors. Focusing on race played a significant role in who was admitted or not. Particularly in regards to Asian-Americans as they received much lower “likability” scores compared to all others.

Ultimately the judge hearing the case felt Harvard had not effectively discriminated against Asian students, though many found the reasoning behind the judges decision to be questionable and flawed.  The attorneys representing Asian students have of course stated they will appeal all the way to the US Supreme Court if necessary where. If it were to make it there, could become very interesting given the newly established conservative leaning of the court.

Issues of race

I want you to read this article and provide your own thoughts on this issue.  What do we do when we policy meant to protect and balance the field for minorities is turn ed upside down. Also, begins to potentially discriminate against one minority group in favor of boosting the percentages of others?  Is affirmative action then inherently flawed?  How are schools suppose d to create diverse student bodies without being able to consider non-academic factors such as race or other experiences?  Harvard attempts to justify their policy. By correctly stating that the majority of their applicants are all tremendous students. Also, would likely be admit ted into almost any other non-Ivy League school which they apply to. Also, that previous court decisions have allowed for college to use race as one of the deciding factors. BUT not THE deciding factor.

However, in a world where all applicants are exceptional academically and otherwise. Then is it possible that race in fact becomes. THE sole differentiating factor when looking for the smallest details by which to separate candidates?  What do you feel the Supreme Court should decide to do here?  Should they agree with the lower court’s decision or take up the case. FURTHER, risk throwing out decades of precedent on affirmative action by reversing course?  I look forward to your thoughts on this final board as always.

Article website: 

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