Your favourite Alfred Hitchcock films (select any 5-7 films of your choice) 

Discuss your favourite Alfred Hitchcock films (select any 5-7 films of your choice) assigned for this course and why his films continue to have an enduring appeal. Provide a comparative analysis of Hitchcock’s directing skills and style regarding suspense in his British and American films assigned for this course.

Your favourite Alfred Hitchcock films (select any 5-7 films of your choice)

1. Firstly, Discuss your favourite Alfred Hitchcock films (select any 5-7 films of your choice) assigned for this course and why his films continue to have an enduring appeal.

2. Provide a comparative analysis of Hitchcock’s directing skills and style regarding suspense in his British and American films assigned for this course.

3. Compare/Contrast Hitchcock’s approach to depicting romance in “Rebecca,” “Notorious,” “Rear Window,” “Vertigo,” and “North by Northwest.”

4. Explain how Hitchcock’s use of humour regarding the characters and plots of “The Lady Vanishes,” “Foreign Correspondent,” “Shadow of a Doubt,” “Rear Window,” North by Northwest” enhances the appeal of each film.

5. Discuss Hitchcock’s earlier (1930s), middle (1940s) and later (1950s-1960s) films. Over time, what remains the same and what is different regarding the types of characters, themes and use of suspense in the films?


Term Papers NEED to reflect a critical/analytical approach to discussing the films. As such, Term Papers must NOT consist merely of biographies. Also, plot summaries though citing of particular biographical details. Lastly, specific scenes and dialogue relevant to your discussion is acceptable.

Term Papers represent 60% of each student’s final grade. The papers will be graded for Content, Organization, and Standard English correctness (Grammar, Punctuation, Usage and Spelling).

Suggested Length:

4-6 PAGES but students may submit longer papers. Word format

Movies to choose from:

The thirty- nine steps, Sabotage, The Lady vanishes, Rebecca, Foreign Correspondent, Shadow of a Doubt, Notorious, Strangers on a Train, Rear Window, Vertigo, North by Northwest, Psycho

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