In Unit 1 we read about Studs Terkel’s interviews with people 

In Unit 1 we read about Studs Terkel’s interviews with people about their work and how they found meaning in their jobs. Part of academic writing is conducting new research to add to our body of knowledge on a topic. For this unit you will be adding to that body of knowledge with your own interviews.

In Unit 1 we read about Studs Terkel’s interviews with people


In Unit 1 we read about Studs Terkel’s interviews with people about their work and how they found meaning in their jobs. Part of academic writing is conducting new research to add to our body of knowledge on a topic. For this unit you will be adding to that body of knowledge with your own interviews.


Write a “profile” about the person you interviewed. Here you have two goals:

1) use descriptive language and quoted material from the interview to capture the essence of the person you interviewed; and

2) draw some conclusions about the nature of work in their person’s life, using quotations from the interview.

A profile will include an introduction with a thesis that makes an argument about the nature of work based on the interviewee’s perspective.

Body paragraphs will make 2-3 points that develop that thesis (or point out difficulties and complications of work). At least twice you will quote texts from the first unit in order to draw connections between your interviewee’s story and what you studied in your first essay. A conclusion will point to what bigger problems or questions your interview leads too—what issues came up that need to be solved or researched further.

Criteria for Success:
Thesis statement
3 vivid details about your interviewee or setting to set the scene
5 quotations from your interview
2 quotations from unit 1 readings
Use of voice markers to give context and introduce your quotation
PIE paragraphs in which you make a point and use evidence to develop your ideas.
Transitions within and between paragraphs to show connection of ideas
Clear, well-focused sentences
3-4 pages (about 1200 words)

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