Consider the notion of help-seeking behavior-think about times

Consider the notion of help-seeking behavior. Think about times that you have sought help for a physical condition, emotional pain, or a worry, or even concern about your own behavior.

Consider the notion of help-seeking behavior-think about times

Module 13 – Interventions
Article: The State of Intimate Partner Violence Intervention: Progress and Continuing Challenges
1. Consider the notion of help-seeking behavior. Think about times that you have sought help for a physical condition, emotional pain, or a worry, or even concern about your own behavior.

Firstly, Where did you go for help?

Secondly, Did you receive the help you needed?

Thirdly, How satisfied were you with the kind of support you received?

Further, Based on your own experience, explore some time in your life that you sought help. Also, discuss (in 250- 300 words) where you went for advice and whether or not you were please with the help you receive d.

2. View:

Firstly, Look at the 10 PowerPoint slides that have been prepared together with their accompanying text.

Secondly, Think about what strategies might help those who have been abusive engage more fully in therapeutic programs.

Thirdly, Define in 100-150 words each, what the following concepts entail: empathy, responsibility, becoming accountable.

3. Read:

You should now read the article, The State of Intimate Partner Intervention: Progress and Continuing Challenges. As you consider the challenges presented by intimate partner violence, ask yourself what various professionals in the community have to offer such a person.

Firstly, How does a police officer’s reaction to abuse differ from someone who works in a batterer intervention program?

Secondly, How might a physician or a social worker offer support to a battered woman?

And where do friends and family members fit into the broader network of support for someone who has hurt someone else, or been hurt personally, in an intimate relationship.

Reflect on these questions and offer a short analysis (500-750 words) of why a coordinated community response is so important to end domestic violence and support those impacted by it.

4. Implications:

Firstly, Based on your readings in this module, and earlier ones, what three questions would you consider appropriate to ask all candidates running for political office.

Secondly, List your three questions and offer a paragraph of explanation as to your choices.

Please Note:

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