The important discovery in immunology using scientific journals

This is a paper that focuses on the important discovery in immunology using scientific journals. The paper also provides links to use in writing the paper.

The important discovery in immunology using scientific journals

Write a commentary style article focusing on an important discovery in immunology. Commentary articles are an essential component of many scientific journals. Examples are: News and also Views in Nature journals,
Perspective in Science and Previews in Immunity. Below are also some additional examples of commentary articles:
Lipopolysaccharide sensing on the inside (  T. rex attacks the lysosome

Your assignment is to also highlight the recent research paper titled: “Inhaled IL-10 Suppresses Lung Tumorigenesis via Abrogation of Inflammatory Macrophage– Th17 Cell Axis” published in the

General guidelines

Your manuscript must be organized with the following sections:
1. Title
2. Abstract
3. Background
4. Study summary
5. Discussion
6. References
7. Summary figure and also legend

Firstly, the manuscript should be 900 words or less (excluding abstract, figure legend and references) in length with no more than 10 references and one figure. Secondly, you must draw your own rather than photocopy or scan diagrams from articles or textbooks. Thirdly, the Abstract must be 50 words or less. Reference style: Harvard (Author’s names and also year of publication). A 12-point font, preferably Times New Roman, is required for all the text. Double-space the entire manuscript and the margins should be set at 2 cm. Word counts for the abstract and also main text (excluding references) must be indicated on first page.  .! Additionally, you should provide an up-to-date review of the topic.

In researching your chosen topic, it will also be important to review published literature on your topic. We suggest that you utilise PubMed to ensure that your written assignment is up-to-date. Subsequently, there are many different reading sources which may be useful including Nature, Science, Nature Immunology, immunity, Nature review of Immunology, Annual Review of Immunology, etc, just to name a few. The essay must be double spaced, neat, and easy to read.

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