Vertigo and Phoenix explored fetishism Rear Window and A Short Film about Love explore voyeurism and How

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These are technically three separate essays and separate movies but each needs be at least 400 words. If you can add direct quotes from the films that would help as well. Thank you. 1) Rear Window is many things, but we find in it the same obsessions that we have encountered in previous films: the fetishism of fashion, the “construction” of women and other characters through the photographic or cinematic gaze. In addition, Rear Window creates a “fantasy space” you may want to discuss.

2) Vertigo and Phoenix explored fetishism; Rear Window and A Short Film about Love explore voyeurism. How? What makes the two films similar – and different as well? 3) What is 8 ½ about? How many narrative strategies the film employs, and how are they mixed up? (Reality, daydreaming, memory, dream, anticipation, wishful thinking, etc.). How is the “male gaze” represented in 8 ½? And how does the male gaze play with male desire? Only materials needed would be the movies Rear Window, Phoenix and Vertigo, and then 8 1/2. please try to empathize Plot Synopsis, Plot Analysis, Character Guide, Character Analysis

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