The ATR Chapter 10 and DAPP Chapter 6 analysis

This is a paper that focuses on the ATR Chapter 10 and DAPP Chapter 6 analysis. The paper also focuses on the various questions on each chapter.

The ATR Chapter 10 and DAPP Chapter 6 analysis

ATR Chapter 10, Part 2

1.  What does Keller say were “the characteristics of the Kennedy-Johnson years”?

2.  What did the Supreme Court do in the 1950s and 1960s to create a “progressive constitutional

ATR Chapter 11
1. Keller points out that “three chief executives held office in the course of the seven presidential terms from 1933 to 1961; seven did so in the eight terms from 1961 to 1993.” Explain the many reasons for this “embattled presidency” in the modern period.

2.  How has Congress changed since the end of World War II?

3.  How has the scope of the judiciary’s decisions expanded since World War II?  Also, what major change have we seen in the career paths of U.S. Supreme Court justices?  How might this impact their rulings?

4. Outside of the South, how did civil rights and social welfare policies shift from enjoying broad popular support to engendering backlash?

DAPP Chapter 6

1. Firstly, how did the Depression, New Deal, and World War II change the public’s view of government?

2.  Secondly, what condition was the Republican Party in in the early 1950s?  Why did this lead them to select Dwight Eisenhower over Robert Taft as their presidential nominee in 1952?

3. Thirdly, how did President Eisenhower’s response to the “Little Rock 9” event ironically help the Democratic Party (particularly Northern Liberal Democrats that favored civil rights legislation)?

4.  Fourthly, how did the congressional elections of 1958 and the presidential/congressional elections of 1960 and 1964 shift the Democratic Party, and the country, in a decidedly liberal direction?

5. Then, what other conditions in society (particularly in the economy) made the public more receptive to a liberal activist government agenda in the 1950s and 1960s?

6.  Also, despite these conditions, why did President Kennedy have difficulty getting the more liberal parts of his agenda passed by Congress?

7. What legislative accomplishments was Lyndon Johnson able to achieve during his presidency?

8.  Lastly, what events throughout the 1960s caused the Democratic coalition to break apart, and the long period of Democratic dominance to end in 1968?

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