The ELL writing analysis using multiple writing samples

This is a paper that focuses on the ELL writing analysis using multiple writing samples . The paper also analyzes various aspects that are relating to writing a paper.

The ELL writing analysis using multiple writing samples

The Analysis: For this assignment, you will need to obtain one or multiple writing samples of an English language learner. There is no limit on the size of the sample, but it will probably have to be at least a page in order to be able to be able to complete the analysis.

The writing sample should be a first draft. In other words, the ELL should not have had the opportunity to revise the sample. It will be helpful if the person is at an intermediate or low-intermediate level of proficiency. If his/her proficiency is too low, you may not get an adequate writing sample because a beginner generally cannot write very much. If his/her proficiency if too high, there may be few issues with syntax, morphology, etc. Thus, there is little to analyze in the sample. You will analyze the writing in the areas listed below. I suggest you read the sample multiple times, focusing only on one area at a time. You can also see detailed explanation of these categories in the analytical writing grading rubric under the assignments folder.


• Content: Does the ELL explore the writing prompt with sufficient details and examples and stay focused on the main idea? Does the writing sample reflect understanding of the topic and provide sufficient details to support and explain? • Organization/Rhetorical structure: Does the ELL organize their writing in a coherent flow with multiple sentences/paragraphs as meaningful units? Does the organization have cohesion?

• Grammar: Does the ELL follow the grammatical rules in making sentences and follow syntax rules? (e.g., subject + verb + object)? Do the sentences have variety in terms of having a variety of clauses and subclauses? For example, how is the ELL’s word order different from that of a native speaker? Look at the complexity of the sentence structure or la‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ck thereof.

• Vocabulary/Diction and tone: Does the ELL choose vocabulary to meaningfully and effectively express themselves? Does the word choice reflect the tone and identity of the author? Does it engage, educate, or entertain the reader? Also, does the ELL have difficulty with using the correct preposition or have they used a word incorrectly? Remember you are also looking for what is not there. The ELL may use simple vocabulary when more precise words are needed. For example, he or she may write husband, instead of groom when writing about a wedding.

The ELL writing analysis using multiple writing samples

• Mechanics: Does the ELL write with clarity, focus, and fluid expression without losing the comprehension or interest of the reader? Are there errors that influence comprehension? Are spelling, punctuation, and capitalization used appropriately? The Paper: In the paper, you will present the result of your analysis in each of the areas. Then, I would like to you to prioritize any errors the ELL made based on what you believe to be the most important to focus on. For example, if an ELL only writes simple sentences that could be combined, you may want to focus on that. Next, I would like you to briefly discuss how you teach this to ELLs. I am looking for only a couple of sentences related to teaching this point.

The paper should be at least 2-3 pages (1000-1500 words), but it may be longer, if needed. The structure is open-ended. However, I don’t want you to worry that the paper doesn’t “flow.” In other words, it is okay to divide it into sections rather than trying to come up with transitional sentences. To better situate the analysis in a theoretically informed manner, you should cite at least two resources from the class readings or outside readings in the analysis or implications for your ELL

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