Watch the film that will be screened in class and take copious notes

For this paper, you should watch the film that will be screened in class and take copious notes on the relationships between characters and the happenings in the film.

Watch the film that will be screened in class and take copious notes

For this paper, you should watch the film that will be screened in class and take copious notes on the relationships between characters and the happenings in the film. After reviewing your notes, you should decide on two communication concepts that best describes the communication or behavior of characters in the film. You should then turn to that chapter to determine the concepts you will use for analysis. For example, if a movie features two characters who are developing a relationship, you might turn to our chapter on Intimate Relationships and choose a concept from that chapter. If a movie is about a new immigrant struggling to adapt to American culture, you might turn to our discussion of individualism v. collectivism.

Firstly, You must position yourself as a critical observer of interpersonal communication skills for this assignment and then analyze the communication that occurs in the film.

You must both identify where the communication theory or concept is visible/taking place and discuss the efficacy, meaning, or implications of its existence.

Also, You must use specific examples from the film and incorporate descriptions of the film and direct quotes from the film to support your points.

Lastly, You must also use three outside sources excluding our textbook (i.e., scholarly journal articles) to support your points.

Assignment Requirements:

Your papers must be:
Firstly, Formatted with 1” margins and double-spaced
Secondly, 12pt font, Times New Roman only
Thirdly, Approximately 3 to 7 pages in length – most 3 page papers will be insufficient and you should aim higher.
Fourthly, Free from grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
Also, Formal in tone and language choices
Must use three outside sources (excluding the course textbook). These sources must be credible and reliable.
In full compliance with APA or MLA citation style, including a Reference page at the end of the document.

Sample Paper Outline:

1. Introduction:
Briefly identify the film. Briefly introduce the concepts/theories from your text and in-class discussion that you will be using. End with a thesis statement – a summary of the argument you will be making in the paper.

2. The Film:
Briefly summarize the film.

3. Concept #1:
Explain the concept you are applying in detail. Describe how the concept is applied in the story. Be specific and use appropriate quotations and multiple examples from the movie and outside sources. Evaluate and discuss if this concept is a good or bad example of communication. Explain why you believe this to be true.

4. Concept #2:
Explain the concept you are applying in detail. Describe how the concept is applied in the story. Be specific and use appropriate quotations and multiple examples from the movie and outside sources. Evaluate and discuss if this concept is a good or bad example of communication. Explain why you believe this to be true.

5. Conclusion:
Also, Review your argument and summarize your insights regarding interpersonal communication.

LASTLY, What lessons might be learn ed from understanding these instances of interpersonal communication?

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