How diet influences human evolution and physical morphology

This is a paper that focuses on the how diet influences human evolution and physical morphology. The paper also focuses how it shapes human life and health in current day.

How diet influences human evolution and physical morphology

Diet! What a hominid eats has left a lasting impression!  750 Words  35pt
We read a LOT of articles that discussed how what our primate and hominid ancestor ate has affected human evolution and physiology. What was consumed in prehistory is not the only diet of importance, what our recent ancestors and OURSELVES eat has a lasting impression on our physiology and also other aspects and inhabitants (wink * wink *microbes* wink *wink) of our body. For this question, please discuss how diet influenced human evolution, evolution of physical morphology, and how it currently shapes human life, physiology, and health in current day.

Genes are ON THE MOVE!  750 Words  35pt

Throughout the second part of the course, we have talked a lot about how genes are on the move. How they have migrated over geographical distances and how they have migrated between species. We have discussed the genes for various traits (such as skin color) and how they have undergone natural selection to ensure survival in different geographical regions. And we have discussed the forces of evolution (gene flow, natural selection, mutation, genetic drift, CNVs, etc). For this question, please discuss the various traits brought up in class and readings and also the evolutionary forces (again, those brought up in class and the readings) they have undergone, why they underwent them, and how.
NOTE: there are a lot of topics to cover, subheadings are your friend (and your TA’s while she grades)

LIFE! And its many stages!  500 Words  25pt
During this section we read about how the stages of life vary between primate species. Also, how diet can influence the duration and onset of these various life states. For this question, please discuss how the various life stages between primates differs and why they differ. Additionally, discuss the various diet and external influences that can influences these life stages, and how they influence them. Lastly, how does life-history analysis fit into the theory of evolution?

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