The organization’s HRM practice and key problems

This is an assignment that focuses on the organization’s HRM practice and key problems. The paper also focuses on how to improve the effect of the practice.

The organization’s HRM practice and key problems

Assessment Task
Essay 2000 words/15 quality academic references
What you need to do:
Select an organisation of your choice.  Ideally, you should select an organisation where you currently work or have worked in the past, or an organisation that you would like to work for in the future.

Your task is to:
·         Firstly, describe the context of the organisation you have selected, including the nature of the industry, the level of competitiveness within the industry, the key external stakeholders and the current trends in the industry; and
·         Secondly, describe the organisation, including the nature of the work undertaken, the products and services created, the current strategy being pursued and the current level of organisational performance.
·         Thirdly, identify five key problems facing the practice of HRM in the organisation.

Drawing on your understanding of the industry, the organisation, and also the HRM challenges you have identified and key HRM theoretical frameworks, examine the HRM-performance chain in your selected organisation.
In your answer, consider:
·         How would you advise the organisation to improve the effect of HRM on organisational performance?
·         Also, what have you learned from the assignment that can enable you to become an effective HR manager?

Task 2

Assessment Task 2 will be assessed against the following criteria – each criterion is equally weighted:
1.    Key issues relating to the question have been developed
2.    Analysis and synthesis of relevant HRM literature in peer-reviewed and quality newspaper articles such as the Age, Sydney Morning, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, McKinseys, Deloittes, BBC, ABC podcasts, Quality blogs,
3.    Thirdly, ideas and assertions cited or quoted in text and substantiated through use of high-quality academic material
4.    Clear written style (spelling, grammar, syntax etc.) and appropriate RMIT Harvard style referencing (in-text and list of references, following Easycite* guideline (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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