The principles of multi-stakeholder in sustainable business strategy

This is a paper that focuses on applying the principles of multi-stakeholder in sustainable business strategy. The paper also analyses stakeholder engagement approaches in the world.

The principles of multi-stakeholder in sustainable business strategy

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:
1. Firstly, apply the principles of multi-stakeholder identification, evaluation and engagement in the context of sustainable business’s strategy and approaches to managing a range of corporate/stakeholder relationships.
2. Secondly, analyse and compare stakeholder engagement approaches in different parts of the world, at various geographical scales and different statuses of power/influence.
3. Thirdly, critically assess the importance of context and desired outcome in defining content and presentation styles, including the use of digital media.
4. Lastly, create written and oral presentation materials and practice skills which can effectively engage people of different knowledge and ability levels on sustainability topics.

Task and Mark distribution:

Create and submit a structured portfolio covering the following tasks.
1.       600 word Stakeholder Map and Evaluation 20% (ILO1)
2.       600 word Critical Reflective piece 20% (ILO1) “What am I trying to achieve with this?”
3.       Two (2) pieces of created communications: one audio-visual (e.g. a narrated PowerPoint or a video) of no longer than 3 minutes and one as a poster on the same theme to the same audience which is defined and also specified by the student.  20% equally weighted (ILO 4)
4.       Found communication (hand out to due date) 20% (ILO 2 & 3) – this is student led but must meet the ILO.
5.       600 words Reflection on Action (Tasks 3 & 4) 20% (ILO 2-4)

Students must submit a portfolio containing all 5 tasks, failure to submit a task will result in deduction of the allocated marks from their grade equivalent to the total available for that task.
If you get less than 40% in this assignment you will need to resit in the next semester.
For the re-assessment of 7000EXQ portfolio, you should improve your initial attempt to a satisfactory level using the feedback provided (on CU Moodle). Your resit attempt should address all feedback comments which may include conducting further analysis, incorporating additional literature, strengthening your academic argument and improving the format and/or structure of your work.
1.       Additionally, you are expected to use the CUHarvard referencing format. For support and advice on how this students can contact Centre for Academic Writing (CAW).

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