Read the judgement of a coronial inquiry into the death of a child in care

Read the judgement of a coronial inquiry into the death of a child in care. What legislation was referred to in relation to the death? Reflect upon your reactions to the case and lessons you would take with you into this statutory field of practice.

Read the judgement of a coronial inquiry into the death of a child in care

Firstly, Read the judgement of a coronial inquiry into the death of a child in care.

Secondly, What legislation was referred to in relation to the death?

Thirdly, Reflect upon your reactions to the case and lessons you would take with you into this statutory field of practice.

More details;

Does a coroner go to the crime scene?
Proper procedure for crime scene cooperation should be establish ed by a memorandum of understanding between the coroner. Also, the law enforcement agencies with which the coroner must work. The primary purpose of a Coroner’s death scene investigation is to determine the manner and cause of death.
What is an Article 2 inquest?
An ‘Article 2 Inquest’ refers to an inquest where Article 2 of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) is engage d. This is a technical area but, in essence, Article 2 will generally apply where it is suspect ed that a person died whilst ‘in the care of the state’.
Why are inquests open ed and adjourn ed?
The coroner will open the inquest in order to issue a burial order or cremation certificate (if not already issue d immediately after the post-mortem examination) as well as hearing evidence confirming the identity of the decease d. The inquest will then be adjourn ed to be resume d at a later date.
What is an interested person in an inquest?
An interested person may also be call ed as a witness. The coroner’s powers and investigation. The coroner may hold a “Pre Inquest Review” hearing in order to seek the views of the Interested Persons concerning sources of evidence and the scope of the investigation.
WHO removes a dead body from a house?
Coroners organize pathological testing and are call ed to crime scenes to remove bodies. They also testify in court concerning the circumstances surrounding the body when it was found. Further, the discoveries made through autopsies and subsequent testing. The median salary for a coroner is $67,870.

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