How does the foreign service members work with civilians

This is an assignment that focuses on how does the foreign service members work with civilians. The topic is in relation to promoting peace, security and also economic prosperity.

How does the foreign service members work with civilians

In a 1,000-1,250 word essay identify how members of the Foreign Service work with other civilian parts of the U.S. Government to promote peace, national security and economic prosperity. Your essay should focus on a specific challenge to U.S. peace and prosperity, and must include one example of the work of the Foreign Service and one or more examples of collaboration between America’s diplomats and also other civilian (i.e. non-military) U.S. Government agencies or organizations.

Specific Rules:

Length: Your essay should be at least 1,000 words but should not exceed 1,250 words (word count does not apply to the list of sources). The word count must be included on the document you submit. Content and Judging:

Submissions will be judged on the quality of analysis, quality of research, and form, style and mechanics. Successful entries will answer all aspects of the prompt and demonstrate an understanding of the Foreign Service. Sources: Standards of content and also style from current edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers will be expected for (1) documentation of sources in the text of your memo; (2) the format of the list of works cited; and (3) margins and also indentation.

A bibliography following the MLA Handbook must be in the assignment paper. Essays should use a variety of sources—academic journals, news magazines, newspapers, books, government documents, publications from research organizations. At least three of the cited materials should be primary sources (a document, speech, or other sort of evidence written, created or otherwise produced during the time under study). General encyclopedias, including Wikipedia, are not acceptable as sources. However, essays citing general encyclopedias in notes or bibliography will be disqualified. Websites should not be the only source of information for your essay; when you do use online sources they must be properly cited. FONT: Times New Roman, 12, Double Spaced.

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