Choose one member of the family from the module

Choose one member of the family from the module. This person has come to A&E following a scald to their left arm. You need to discuss the appropriate communication and assessment skills required to facilitate person centred care for this family member.

Choose one member of the family from the module

Firstly, choose one member of the family from the module. Secondly, this person has come to A&E following a scald to their left arm.
You need to discuss the appropriate communication and assessment skills required to facilitate person centred care for this family member.

Firstly, she lives alone – refuses to move from home.

Secondly, husband died 8 months ago.

Thirdly, diagnosed with vascular dementia.

Fourthly, suffers from COPD – diagnosed 8 years ago.

Further, since the death of her husband has become more confused.

Also, has recurrent falls.
Vascular Dementia – one type of dementia that is progressive in nature and characterised by progressive decline in ability to maintain activities of daily living.

Effect on Martha – problems with planning or organising, making decisions or solving problems, difficulties following a series of steps (eg cooking a meal), slower speed of thought, problems concentrating, including short periods of sudden confusion, problems recalling recent events, speech becoming less fluent, problems perceiving objects in three dimensions.

Effect on family – Stress; frustration; strain on family relationships; wellbeing of family members; financial implications; anxiety.

COPD – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Characterised by chronic obstruction of lung airflow that is not fully reversible.

Effect on Martha – Prone to chest infections; limitation of mobility; reduced ability to maintain activities of daily living.

Effect on family- increased input into caring for Martha; anxiety; financial implications; escorting Martha to appointments.

Learning outcomes:

Explain and apply best-practice approach to assess the mental and physical health and well-being of all people across the life span.

Demonstrate knowledge of and apply the core skills of communication essential to the development of relationship with adult and children, at different stages of development across a range of care settings, recognising the potential barriers to communicating with all people across the lifespan.

Explain and apply the platforms for accountability and recognise professional responsibility to fulfil those platforms through reflection and continued professional development.

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