Evaluation of failure to rescue topic on deteriorating patients

This is an assignment that focuses on evaluation of “failure to rescue” topic on deteriorating patients. The paper also examines the various nursing strategies to prevent this issue.

Evaluation of “failure to rescue” topic on deteriorating patients


The purpose of this essay is to enable you to critically evaluate current research about the topic ‘failure to rescue’ as related to the deteriorating patient in the acute healthcare environment. You will also examine nursing strategies that can be used to prevent patient deterioration and that are instrumental in maintaining patient safety.

This assessment item will address learning outcomes 1 and 3 of this course.

Task description:

For this task you are to write a 2000-word essay in which you critically evaluate ‘failure to rescue’ as it relates to the deteriorating patient in the acute healthcare environment.

Your evaluation must be underpinned by patient safety needs, and should include a discussion about incidence, consequences and nursing strategies as reflected in the current literature.

Your essay must include the following components:

a.      Firstly, an introductory paragraph that outlines the aim of the assignment.

b.      Secondly, a definition of failure to rescue.

c.      Thirdly, a discussion of the incidence of adverse events that are linked to failure to rescue in the Australian acute healthcare environment.

d.      Fourthly, an analysis and evaluation of the consequences of failure to rescue for the patient; the patient’s family; and the health care system.

e.      Then, a critical evaluation of TWO nursing strategies involving either the patient; the patient’s family or the health care system that may be used to prevent registered nurses from failing to rescue to maintain patient safety.

f.       Lastly, a conclusion summarising the central points of your essay.

Other elements:

Refer to the Health Group Writing and Referencing Guide for all presentation, referencing and formatting guidelines. This is located on all course sites.

The word limit for an assessment item includes in text citations, tables and quotations. The word limit does not include the reference list. Please note the marker will cease marking your submitted work once they have reached the allocated word limit.

You must include a Reference list on a separate page formatted to APA 7th style.

Write in the third person and also use academic language throughout.

Submit your assignment online as per the instructions on your Learning@Griffith course site.

Refer to the marking criteria when writing your assignment.  This will assist you in calculating the weightings of the sections for your assignment.

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