House of asterion by Jorge Luis Borges


Write a 4pages essay regarding the story attached. This is a fiction essay.

The story to analyze for this work is also attached to this order.

Please do not use any other resources besides the story attached. Also, be advised that i already have a 1-page rough draft for this essay but i need the complete 4 pages full essay.

The rough draft will also be attached to this order to help with the essay.

1. Write a 4 pages essay in which you argue whether it is an escapist or interpretive story and why you would categorize it that way.

This essay is an argumentative/persuasive essay but it is based on YOUR judgement/opinion. What is important in this essay is not what that judgment is but, instead, how you can explain that judgment.

Note: You should assume that the reader of YOUR essay is already familiar with the story that you are writing about so you are not obligated to summarize the plot of it, unless you are summarizing parts of that plot to help support a point that you are trying to make.

I always tell my students to imagine that the audience for this essay is one of your fellow classmates who, although they have read the story you are talking about, is having trouble understanding the point you are trying to make about the story

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