Culture is a health determinant.Discuss how this might impact on health care delivery AND health outcomes of individuals

The practice of nursing and midwifery engages in two main approaches to culture, one that views the cognitive aspects with a focus on values, beliefs and traditions of a group; and one that views the structural aspects of a society with a focus on social position to explain health behaviours and outcomes. Williamson and Harrison (2010). Attached is a Clinical Update from the Western Nurse. Anonymous (2017). i-folio clinical update: Exploring the social determinants of health. Western Nurse. Nov-Dec 2017. Pp24-25. Culture is a health determinant. Discuss how this might impact on health care delivery health outcomes of individuals. Please provide an example of the aspects of culture as a health determinant, which you would need to consider when planning discharge for a patient in your care. Each week students will post on discussion board their response to the topic provided (CONTRIBUTION) and ( APPLICATION) • Each week students will respond to another students post developing the discussion with additional thoughts and ideas ( SHARE).

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