Success and Failures of Gene Therapy in Neurological Disorders

Success and Failures of Gene Therapy in Neurological Disorders

Paper details Guidelines: Term paper should be typed and spaced 1.5. It should be 5 pages including illustrations but the abstract (half page; single spaced), conclusion (half page; single spaced) and references are not included in the 5-page limit. It should be organized with a

• Summary or abstract (half page maximum), • Introduction, (one page) • Main content or the body of the paper (3.5-4 pages) • References (in addition to the above-mentioned 4 pages). In the introduction, you should describe the rationale and the importance of the topics you selected. You should also describe the disease or situation when it is appropriate to use the technology and explain why it is appropriate to use the technology.

In the body of the paper you should explain the biological basis of why the technology might be effective and you should explain the biological basis of potential problems or limitations of the technology (including but not limited to health risks, and environmental risks). You should also discuss the feasibility and efficacy of the technology.

In the body of the paper you should discuss the legal and ethical issues of using the technology. You should also explain if this would be a technology that you would support or not and provide justification for your answer • You should use Times roman 11 font and 0.75 inch margins on all sides. • References should be presented in the American Medical Association (AMA) style ( • There should be at least two references of original papers published in peer-reviewed research journals. • Copy of one such research article must be attached with the paper.

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