Question: are artificial persons (or A.I.) possible in the future? Could machines think?
Paper details:
Exam Instructions: (i) Consider the exam as one long essay that has sections. Label and title your sections for clarity of discussion. (ii) Note: you are answering these questions in order to figure out whether the theory is plausible or true, or whether it is to be modified or rejected because it is untrue. You must take a stand about this, i.e. your essay will have a thesis statement in the first section. (iii) You must show that you have done your readings i.e. discuss the examples from the readings, not merely the examples I use in slides, or mention issues not explicitly mentioned on my slides. Question: are artificial persons (or A.I.) possible in the future? Could machines think? Answer this question(s) and be sure to: [1] Describe the Turing test. Describe in detail how it works and what its goal is. What counts as a pass and what does pass mean? If a woman passes the test what does Turing think that proves? [2] Describe Functionalism and why it makes possible future artificial intelligence [3] Describe and explain Searle’s “Chinese room” counterexample to functionalism and the argument it illustrates. [4] Describe and explain at least one (more is better) reply to Searle. Make a conclusion; could machines think and have minds? please write the essay according to the instruction. and only use the book as follow: Laurence Bonjour and Ann Baker eds. Philosophical Problems; An Annotated Anthology Pearson, Longman 2008 SECOND EDITION. ISBN: 0-321-23659-9 paper and the use the PDF file attach below
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