The importance for nurses to understand the basic principles of research.

For the introduction paragraph section, summarize your learning using mostly your own words : The need for nursing research. The importance for nurses to understand the basic principles of research. The purpose of your paper. For the quantitative research section, summarize your learning using mostly your own words (see the grading rubric for details): The importance of quantitative research. One type of quantitative design; explain one important feature of this type of design. How quantitative research can help improve nursing practice. For the qualitative research section, your learning using mostly your own words (see the grading rubric for details): The importance of qualitative research. One type of qualitative design; explain one important feature of this type of design. How qualitative research can help improve nursing practice. For the research sampling section, your learning using mostly your own words: What is sampling and why is sampling important. One sampling strategy used in quantitative research. One other sampling strategy that you learned. For the credible nursing practice section, your learning using mostly your own words (see the grading rubric for details): How research can help to make nursing practice safer. Why research is critical for creating an evidence-based nursing practice. For the conclusion section, summarize your learning using mostly your own words (see the grading rubric for details): Short, concise, thorough summary of the main points of the paper. Double check your work with the grading rubric to ensure you have met all grading criteria for this assignment. Two or more supporting scholarly references are required. Textbooks are not allowed and should not be used as a scholarly source. Use the Chamberlain Library to locate relevant, scholarly sources. No more than two direct quotes are allowed. You should be using mostly your own words to demonstrate your understanding of the topics/criteria for this assignment. Citations and references must be included. This is a short, scholarly paper. The assignment should be 3-4 pages in length not including the title page and references page. Submit the completed assignment on the Week 5: Assignment page. References American Association of Colleges of Nurses (AACN). (2008). Executive summary: The essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice (2008). Retrieved from Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN). (2018). QSEN knowledge, skills, and attitude competencies. Retrieved from

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