Essay/policy Review
This task will provide you with an opportunity to both develop and demonstrate your understanding of issues that are central to people living with disabilities and their carers and the impact current government policies (i.e. National Disability Insurance Scheme ie NDIS) have on their lives. You will be required to conduct a critical policy review focusing on a topic related to the implementation of the NDIS. Policy review is about how the legislation worked for people with disability focus on policy and practice. What the policy of the relevant to the NDIS means to people with disability. Look at a policy that organisation have (for example, Australian council of social service, NSW council of social services, Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association, Women With Disabilities Australia, look at what policy say about the NDIS and what the policy means for people in practice and in real life) PS: The above is an example so please do good research and source information outside the organisations I provided. Look around the NDIS and intertwined with literature so using literature as well at least 12 sources. The Essay will • have a brief introduction including a thesis statement and provide the reader with a roadmap through your essay. • Be based on sound academic research comprising at least 12 sources; • Be properly referenced including page numbers and in-text references; • Have its own reference list; 1. Identification and exposition of a key issue affecting people living with disability or their carers. 2. Development of a clear thesis connecting ideas or frameworks of theorists with social issues. 3. Accurate identification and representation of key concepts, theories, research evidence. 4. Creative and cogent use of theory to provide a broader and more critical understanding of the issue in focus. 5. Provision of critical reflection of reviewed literature. 6. Effective and well-organised presentation, capacity to write in an appropriate scholarly style, with attention to grammar, punctuation and spelling 7. Demonstrates correct use of APA 6th edition) referencing
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