Plato’s Euthyphro Dialogue

Select one of the readings provided below, separated by topic: Possible Readings Plato’s “Euthyphro” Dialogue ( For this reading, describe three of Euthyphro’s attempts at defining “piety” and Socrates’ criticism of each. Consider whether Socrates’ criticisms of his definitions are justified. Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, Book I ( For this reading, discuss Aristotle’s argument that happiness is that which is “final without qualification” and how virtue relates to happiness. The Dhammapada ( AND Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’s article on Buddhism ( Read Chapters V-VII of the Dhammapada and the Stanford article and relate the Dhammapada readings to the article (what is at the base of the arguments being made in the Dhammapada?). Write a paper in which you: 1. (7 points) Follow the directions for the reading you chose. This includes in each case describing key arguments that are being made. For instance, what conclusion is the author forwarding and what reasons are provided in support of it? 2. (7 points) Put the argument into context by referring to other philosophers and arguments we’ve been studying in class. If you are writing on Euthyphro, you can discuss Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Socrates’ realism versus the subjectivism of the Sophists, the arguments of the Presocratics (Parmenides and Heraclitus), etc. If you are writing on Aristotle, you can compare his concept of virtue and happiness with Buddha’s ethics (a part of the Eight-Fold Path). You can also contrast Aristotle’s empiricism with Plato’s rationalism, explaining how their methods differ. If you are writing on Buddhism, you can compare/contrast Buddhism with Hinduism, reflect on “the fool, wise person, and venerable person” with reference to Plato’s concept of different kinds of people being ruled by different parts of the tripartite soul (explored in our upcoming reading on social justice – pages 92-96). 3. (7 points) Critique the argument. For instance, do you agree or disagree and why? 4. (4 points) Use correct grammar and formatting (MLA or APA) and write in an organized and clear fashion. Your paper should be roughly 750-1000 words (~3-4 pages with 1-inch margins, 12-point font, double spaced, and include at least three references – at least one will be the online assigned reading, one can be our class textbook). Use MLA formatting. Here is a great resource on formatting:

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